Jass not following its own rules when playing with three players

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1. LynnR,

Hi. I've recently been enjoying Jass and Spades very much indeed. However, when playing Jass with only three players, (that is me and two bots), it doesn't follow its own rules as far as how the game is won.

In the game instructions, it says that the game ends when the player with the highest score reaches 7, or if the player with the lowest score goes below minus 3. I set up the game with the score limit set to 7, and played a game. The first time round, one bot hit 7, and the game didn't end. I ended it, checked the rules, and went back for another go. The next time round, I hit five points, and the game randomly ended. It turned out that rather than following its own scoring instructions, the score limit option was actually altering how many rounds the game played before it ended. I.e. if set to seven, as it is by default, you get exactly seven rounds and the game ends, no matter who got what score.

I thought then setting no limit would use the actual scoring rules, but it doesn't.

Either the instructions, or the game, need to be changed, because at the moment they're conflicting with each other, which is confusing, especially to new players.

I'm sorry if I seem to be the one finding all the little buglets. despite it all, I really am getting a lot of enjoyment out of this place.

Pontuação: +0

2. Aminiel,

Thank you for the very precise bug report. It should now be solved.

Pontuação: +0

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