i dont think that it is nice to kik some one out of agame just becouse there not fastenough

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1. musiclover,

it is rude to kik someone from aagame

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2. MuhammadHajjar,

Eh? This must be one of the wonders. The subject is longer than the message itself.

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3. Exink,

Then if you know you're not fast enough for playing against those who are, it will be hard to do so. Therefore the most recommended thing to do is to meet people who are able to play at your speed and rhythm, or simply try to improve your skills in the game.

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4. Marina,

hello, a table master has the right to kick/ban players for any reason he/she wants. If you find this rather offensive, you can simply stop joining their table. Or create your own table where you are the master yourself.

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5. gaurasuryavanshi,

agree with you, Marina

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6. fc-golden-rocker,

i actually don't agree, cause the right thing we can do in such those situations is to help people who cannot play as fast as us and take it easy... fc's greating

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7. YNWA,

People have the right to choose who plays/spectates at their table if they are table master. People can also choose to Kick, ban or even block players for whatever reason they want. I say there are usually 3 kinds of players you meet here. The first you just play them once and never play them again. Those are people that have either insulted you, unpleasant or just kick you for very little reason. The second ones are the people you just play from time to time. They are good people but you may have little connection with them due to language barriers, they don't come regularly to the Pr or just play other people. The third are people you really get on with and become very good friends with. In some cases I have known people go further and meet those players in person.

You have to decide what level people are at. If someone is rude to you for example you would not want to play them everyday. If you have had a good experience with a player you would not want to avoid them like the plague. It is a question of trial and error. Like everywhere in life you get some terrible people and you get to meet some very nice ones too!

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8. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Agreed. I usually don't kick and/or ban someone if they take a long time with the game.
I almost always take the time to point out to them that it's time to step up their game or, if the game supports it, I take advantage of thinking time limits.
If someone however is continuously taking a long time, I will eventually just create a new table and leave them alone to take as much as they need.

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9. Paddy_Irishman,

the majority of people who are slow to play do not have much english. who knows why and this is not meant to be by any means a racist comment. so the easiest thing to do is just to do is just to kick/ban/block em. by the way ynwa one of the best examples of trying to teach a life lesson beyond pr without going off topic. nice

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10. afrim,

Hi there,
Well, to me, it comes more as a manner of a social rule, rather than an individual right.
Imagine, if you were traveling late at night, and two people of the same village asked you to come with you, to that village, would you get them off your car just because they were talking too much?
So it's not just a right. Sometimes it should come in terms of a social rule that you build up yourself.
Why do you have the tendency of a crucial boss that says, hey, I'm the boss, I could fire you at any time I want. and you have to shut up! right?

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11. musiclover,


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12. aravis,

i was kicked out of a game just because my username wasn't arabic. it may just as well be, but to using of your rights there must be some limit dictated by common sense.

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13. musiclover,

how do u kik a player

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14. gaurasuryavanshi,

personally, I prefer playing with fast people. but there is one more thing thatt you can do instead of kicking the person. if you don't want to insult the person, just leave the table. this way, the person will thing that you have a work or similar thing and won't get insulted. I think this is nicer instead of kicking the person

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15. musiclover,

that is w

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16. Sajad-Aliraqi,

"i was kicked out of a game just because my username wasn't arabic. it may just as well be, but to using of your rights there must be some limit dictated by common sense."

What do you mean? Can you make your reply obvious? I know the playroom doesn' accept the Arabic usernames.

Pontuação: +0

17. gaurasuryavanshi,

I don't know why you've been kicked. everyone has a reason for kicking people from their tables and it may be not acceptable but we can't do anything to stop it. I created a similar topic before sometime ago and someone told me that it is better to play only with people that you know, this way you will make sure that you won't be kicked. but, everyone has their right to play with whoever they want. of course, this is not nice, for example to kick someone because they are not fast enough or such a reason. but all the people here have different reasons for kicking people as I said. I am blocking such people. and I will recommend you to don't pay attention when someone kicks you out of their table. I know this is a terrible feeling when someone kicks you without a reason. I've experienced it a few times. have a nice day and don't pay attention on such things no matter how annoying it is.

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