Uno League, awards, please read.

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1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
Congratulations to all who have made it to the second round. We are also grateful that you have stuck it out, and endured hard ships that the league has encountered. to that end, I feel it is necessary that I shed some light on the awards being offered to the top 3 finishers. The award is a gift card from Amazon. Well unfortunately, amazon gift cards are only valid from the country from where they were purchased according to their terms of use. Given that we are from many countries in the league, this concession is hardly agreeable and far from ideal. The donator insists that it will work, however according to my research, there is no such gift card from amazon that will be applicable in other countries. If I am wrong on this, someone correct me and put the corresponding link to illustrate the point.
Why am I saying all this? Well, quite simple. I would wish to bring all of you up to speed when we have our winner, and he or she finds that they are unable to redeem the gift card. The prize is being offered by a third party, and not from anyone from the league. Moreover, the donator is only in communication with Krish, thus Nina and I have no contact with him or her what so ever. Therefore, we are not in any way responsible if said gift card is not valid in the country you are from. We have absolutely no control over this, and to the extent of the gift card itself.
Thank you, and good luck!

Pontuação: +0

2. Fawaz,

Before was telling krish if possible the gift cards after the league dippent on the winners on iTunes or google play US cards. but moreover if amazon cards US it will be ok i guess it just on billing address.
But anyway I think even if it didn't work won't be a big deal for everyone since they didn't participate for the prices.
goodluck all.

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3. basket,

they don't go by billing. They will ship it regardless of where your billing is, just as long as the shipping address is in the US.

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4. Fawaz,

stilll if the card is US i guess ok for the most. since its easy to have US vertual addresses.
like my self i have few :D
cause many items ships only in US.

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5. YNWA,

I still think it is kind of the person to offer the prizes in the first place. I am assuming the person donating have already purchased the cards. If not then the purson could ask the winner for example what he or she wants and still purchase the item and post to the winner their reward from Amazon. If first prize is $50 and $10 is deducted for P & P then they would still get a nice prize. Of course it will not be worth doing it for the third placed person but the first two getting something will still be very good news for those players. Of course it depends on the donator on what they want to do as they may not want to go to so much trouble as the items purchased may have to be returned if there is an issue such as damaged good!

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6. basket,

This would be something arranged between the winners and donator. Again, I am stressing that we the organizers have no control over this.

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7. Raki,

Hey basket, a little gratitude would go a long way.
This person's taking money out of their own pocket to support the uno league, I don't see you doing that.
In your own words you have no contact with this donater. Then I think it's reasonable for me to ask yu not to make assumptions on things you have no clew on.
The person has told me they will work with the winners and find a way to get the giftcards to them even if it means pirchissing the card from the country of the winner.
And BTW, Krrish is one of the organisers last time I checked, so it's safe to say the organisers do have some control over this.
Nice class shown by you though.

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Última edição por Raki, May 19 2016 05:58:52

8. the-raven ,

just so you're aware, this has nothing to do with being disrespectful, i think you misunderstood the point

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9. Raki,

I don't think I mentioned disrespect anywhere did I?
I said gratitude.
I'm sorry, but this has ungreatfulness and misinformation written all over it.

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10. basket,

this has absolutely nothing what so ever to do with not being grateful. what this concerns is the fact that not all of us organizers have any control over the prize being awarded here. this is more or less a disclaimer more than anything else. If you want to twist it and interpret it as something else, that is entirely up to you. As nina mentioned, you have completely missed the point of this post.

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11. the-raven ,

maybe it is wrong information, but when we get told how things are, how can we know that it's apparently not "the truth"? and to make it clear for everybody, this has nothing to do with ungratefulness. We're extremely thankful about this, this was only to inform people so that they're aware of it.

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12. Raki,

Hey, honestly if my giftcard doesn't work, I don't really give a dam. It's the thoughtfullness of the offer that counts for me.
Everyone that has made the second round has stuck through the league throughout many months. They'll come play this weekend giftcard or no giftcard and I'm sure all of them would agree that the thoughtfullness of the donator is what counts; I doubt any of the winners would come and rip your heads off if there giftcard didn't work.
Sometimes you don't know what kind of feelings people are trying to put across in writing, only you know weather it was ungreatfulness, disrespect, or something positive; which I really hope it was.
It just sounded really snarky that's all.

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13. the-raven ,

I agree, it might have sounded a bit disrespectful or ungrageful or however you understood it, but it was not our intention, I hope that's clear

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14. Raki,

It was basket posting not you. lol
But if it wasn't his intent. that's fine.

Pontuação: +0

15. basket,

We believe that the sentiment you had put forth raki is shared amongst most, if not everyone in the league. However, my post here was a disclaimer and nothing more. to put it in layman terms, we are covering our culpability as organizers if the gift cards fail to work.

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16. Raki,

Yup, we'd never want to get seued now would we!

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17. basket,

If sued in this circumstance mean negative backlash, then yes.

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18. Raki,

Covered that point on my third post.
Let me assure you organisers that the players will create no (no) backlash if the giftcard (s) does or doesn't work.
Signed, Raki Law Firm INC
representing players of the uno league.

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19. the-raven ,

thanks Raki, i think we got the point. I think we're done discussing this before this ends out of hand

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20. Cristina ,

Hey guys!
This post seems to be very interesting for me, because, finally I could understand exactly what is and how works such a gift card.
Anyway, it's appreciable your intention basket to clarify how the things are, refering at those gift cards and I think that nobody will be disappointed if they will not work for them.
The most important for each player who is still in the league, is to be the big winner. At least I guess so.

Moreover, such discussions help me to improve my english language, because my vocabulary is not so rich. smile
Then all of us should take out just the positive part from each topic and post and so, everybody will be ok.
Thank you!!!
Regards, Cristina

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21. YNWA,

Basket was correct of notifying everybody of the situation. When prizes are available not only does it have to be done properly but it must be seen to be done properly. Everybody has to be aware of the situation. Basket has helped out in the tournament and is an official member of staff in the Playroom so you have to look at it from that side too. As I said in my previous post it was a very nice gesture from the person donating the prizes and well done to you for doing that. As I said too there are still ways and means for the donor to ensure that the prizes get distributed to the winning participants as was previously advertised. It is always best to be cautious as we don't want anything to turn sour!

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Última edição por YNWA, May 19 2016 11:11:21

22. Lemonade,

I for one don't think there was ungratefulness in posting this topic at all, so speak for yourself Raki and don't try to represent the whole league when you don't know other people's point of view on the matter. While the prize doesn't really matter to me either way, It makes total sense to post kind of a disclaimer in case some people are disappointed. Better to be safe than sorry.

Pontuação: +0

23. Raki,

The thing is, there was no need for that because he didn't even remotely know what was going on, He doesn't have contact with the person donating, so there is no need to post a disclaimor when it doesn't even make sence and honestly make the person who's donating feel real bad about the matter when they had it all worked out.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Raki, May 19 2016 14:11:29

24. YNWA,

The person donating should not feel like they have done nothing wrong as they are making a wonderful offer but unfortunately Basket has to ensure everything is done properly as I have said before to protect everybody including the donor. When you do these things you have to be seen to be whiter than white to ensure there is no comebacks for everybody concerned. It doesn't mean that the donor can't make these prizes available but we are now aware of what is going on and how the situation will be sorted out.

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25. Cristina ,

Lol Raki, but basket is part of the organizers, then why doesn't have he the right to say how the things are, even if he doesn't have any link with that person who donated?
Personally, I think that his english language is very good and nobody else could have explained so well.
moreover I can not see where's that thing what could make the donator to feel bad as you've stated...
And by the way, are you the lawyer of that person? smile
If a person who will get that gift card will not be able to use it, then I think that he or she could be another donator and give it to someone who can use that. the

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26. Raki,

Fare points ynwa.
However as Basket doesn't know what was going on he shouldn't have posted, I still maintain my original point.
Krrish is part of the organising team and since he has contact with the doaner and he didn't see a problem with it I don't think any of us should have.

Lol, Cristina, I don't even know what to tell you, English has nothing to do here; you're organising a tournament fine without perfect English.
and I'm no lawyer here; just clearing up basket's misconseptions.

This matter is as far as I know settled and as raven said before, discussion over.
We don't need people far and wide jumping in.
Like I said, I made my point, and I don't feel like arguing about an issue that has been cleared up however, if you still want to talk about it, feel free to find me in PM's.

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Última edição por Raki, May 19 2016 19:08:03

27. Epic_Krrish,

hello all, first of all i would like to heartfully thank the donor for beeing so genorous and thought of sponsering the league for everybody's effort through out the last few months. Secondly, I want to inform that this was simply a disclaimer to let everybody know, and there is not going to be a negative backlash to the same. This was intended to be received as gifts. I've got it in control with the donor, and we'll do our best to channel the prizes to the winners.. I needed time to solve this issue, and I am glad its all resolved. Lastly, a big apoligies to everybody who ever got offended by this post, lets now focuss on the Super 12 matches this weekend and may the best player wins. Hope to catch the 12 players and their supporters at 10:am Eastern US.

Regards Krrish

Pontuação: +0

28. MRMagenta,

But, Even if this is a info, This doesn't mean that donnator may fiel nice after giving $100 for uno leag and finally, this doesn't work. I agree with Ynwa, But this doesn't nead to be all ok after caring the munny from someones other pocket And nothing doing for that.

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