1. luca04,
IN questi giorni, navigando sul forum inglese per vedere i vari aggiornamenti degli utenti inglesi e vari messaggi degli amministratori, ho incontrato un particolare messaggio di aminiel, che, a quanto sono riuscito a capire dalla mia scarna conoscenza inglese, parlava del salotto e del suo futuro.
Ho provato a darlo in pasto a google translate, ma non si capiva nulla, sembravano parole sparate a caso.
Mi chiedevo se uno dei traduttori potesse farmi la cortesia di tradurre questo messaggio, perchè credo contenga un qualcosa di importante.
Se si, sotto incollo il post.
Ciao a tutti e buon proseguimento.
ecco il post
Hello all,
IF the playroom exists since more than 5 years, and is a wonderful project which now works thank to solid administrator, helper and translator teams, it hasn't been always so in the past.
IN particular, you certainly know that the programming and development of the platform still are on the shoulders of a single person, myself.
In September 2010, when I opened the playroom for the first time, I was still a student. At that time, it was obvious that the playroom had to be only an amateur project exclusively developped during my spare time, just for my own pleasure and of course yours.
In 5 years, my personal situation has changed a lot. IN April 2015, I successfully finished my studies in computer science at master/MSc level, in an excellent school which is often said to be one of the 20 best in the world.
With this important step of my life so achieved, come naturally the question of what to do next; and, in particular as you have easily understood, which place to give to the playroom.
The playroom and its success that I couldn't ever have imagined at its first release, has brought many thigns to me: a sum of practical knowledge that we can't directly learn at school of course, but also a lot of human relations, and some basics in team management.
However, I must come to the obvious: a real, stupid, terrible, sad and nasty truth is that, I don't earn my bread with it. I must thus, as anyone else, find a job, which will bring me satisfaction and allow me to live an independent life.
At present, I haven't found a job yet. After almost one year, near from an hundred applications, and about ten job interviews, I feel that I stand about, that I don't make any progress towards an hypothetical job I'm still waiting for.
One must be honnest: ammong 100 candidates of which one blind, the diploma looks nice, but with distinctives competences which nobody care about, in occurence digital accessibility in my concern, all employers will take one of the other 99: nobody has time to understand that, yes we work a little differently than other people, yes it needs a little more adaptation and efforts, but that yes we can obtain as good results as anyone else and sometimes even better.
Getting slowly disappointed about job finding, I have more or less decided to start new projects on my own; even if I don't measure very well yet consequences of what I'm considering to do, I have the impression that it's the only way to really begin my active life.
Let's come back to the playroom: who says beginning a job or any other project says also necessarily much less time to devote to something fundamentally free and amateur (even if, one can easily say it, the playroom became a semi-professional project because of its size)
I made the playroom born, it's my baby and for nothing in the world I would like to abandon it; I love it, and I love you; but no need to lie to ourselves, given the circunstances and what is probably going to happen to me, I will certainly have much less time for it as I could have had in the past during my studies when the story began.
Don't worry, I will still stay present despite everything: major bugs will still be fixed, and I will still come from time to time to socialize and play some game with you; but from now on, you should no longer expect consequent breaking news; the release frequency of new games and features is going to fall down quite a lot.
More concretely, what is going to change for the teams and for players?
IN fact, not that much; playroom will of course stay available; the most visible change will be the absence of important news; but for the rest, it will continue as it is currently.
We obviously don't change anything to the good mood and to the game rounds going one after the others on your favorite platform! Long live the Playroom!
your Aminiel
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