Its on, step up and become the Scopa champion

27 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

Skor: +0

1. Ryan_K ,

Are you ready? I would be hoasting a Scopa tournament on Saturday 16th November, 8 P.M eastern time (Subject to change). Main game conditions: - one on one matches, - 13 points to win - 2 points ahead rule. I am looking at doing 4 matches of 3 and then one V one for semis and finals or alternately, for an interesting twist, have two persons with the higher points in the 4 matches of 3 go on to have 1 v 1 quarters, semis and eventually finals. I would love to hear which one is preferred by the community. Please place your name below if you are ready to be defeated and also let me know what time would be ideal and which format you prefer. Thank you.

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2. andkuk,

i loged on tournament

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3. Abolfazl,

Count me please, if possible. My timezone is: UTC+03:30, Tehran.

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4. elcubano,

I will win

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5. Paddy_Irishman,

Sure count me in

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6. unolover,

can u put me in at 1200

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7. Naday,

Count me in! :)

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8. YNWA,

unolover you have double booked for 2 tournaments that have the same day and likely time. I don't know if there are any more repeats as the others that are listed are not booked for both tournaments. I just aske for people to be aware of this possibility when they put their name forward for both tournaments.

Skor: +0

9. unolover,

put me in fore it

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10. mary24,

Count me in. But not sure of the date. Is it on Friday November 16 (Friday) or november 17 (Saturday)?

Skor: +0

11. Naday,

Saturday 16th, it's not 17th.

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12. gaisgeach_marbhtach ,

Count me in, ryan. thanks

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13. mario.alberto.iglesias ,

count on me

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14. Ryan_K ,

I have 11 confirmed here. I hope everyone knows what time it will be starting in their timezones. Eastern time, [America], 8 P.M, just punch eastern American time into Google and calculate the difference. I need 1 more confirmed, I have a few people who siad they might be here but I cant count on them. Please ask your friends. I am looking for one more to complete 12 and also 3 standby's in case of replacements necessary

Skor: +0

15. rasha22,

أنا أريد الاشتراك في هذه اللعبة

Skor: +0

16. Vojvoda ,

Браво стоко свињска

Skor: +0

17. unolover,


Skor: +0

18. Ryan_K ,

Hey guys! Here are the match ups and brackets for the Scopa tournament, this Saturday, the 16 of November at 8 P.M eastern time. I went the format of 12 persons, four matches of 3 and the top 2 from each match move on to play 1 V 1 in quarters, semis and finals. I know the format is a mouthful so stick with me. I also need 4 table hoasts to assist me, so if anyone is willing, please let me. Thank you. Here we are: Round 1 match 1: Elcubano VS Helleon VS Mario.Alberto.Iglesias. Round 1 match 2: Andkuk VS Gaisgeach_Marbhtach VS Rasha22. Round 1 match 3: RyanTheOnly VS Koo_Loo_Cheh VS Unolover. Round 1 match 4: Uzhhhho VS Mary24 VS Dj993. Quarterfinal: 2nd place of match 2 VS 2nd place of match 4. Quarter final 2: winner of match 4 VS winner of match 3. Quarter final 3: winner of match 2 VS 2nd place of match 3. Quarter final 4: winner of match 1 VS 2nd place of match 4. Semifinal 1: Winner of quarterfinal 1 VS winner of quarterfinal 4. Semifinal 2: Winner of quarterfinal 2 VS winner of quarterfinal 3. Final: Winner of semifinal 1 VS winner of semifinal 2.

Skor: +0

19. YNWA,

Do people really need 2 messages the same?

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20. Nikola,

I would assume that it was posted here in case people do not see the other topic. It does not hurt anybody.

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21. blaise97,

count me in the standby list.

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22. Naday,

Echoing Nikola's comment. And do you realise YNWA that you commented two times on this topic, unnecesarily? Stop increasing your number of replies on forums because most of them are just unnecesary ones. And as for the question you made to unolover asking why she signs in for two tournaments at the same day... Do you realise they are hosted at a different time? ;)

Skor: +0

23. YNWA,

You don't have a crystal ball so are not able to say how long the Scopa tournament will last. I can tell you from experience many things crop up that you don't expect during a tournament which can make games last longer than they should. People not turning up, disconections to even the PR going down which is rare but not impossible, you just never know.

You and Nikola are not an authority here so just give your opinion on here as we all do. Maybe it is best for everybody to post messages twice to give a tournament maxim publicity would be better in the future, but I don't think so, hence saying it hear.

I was not going to say this but it was not a good idea creating a tournament on the same day as another on this platform. There is no rule against it but it is an un written custom not to have tournament clashes to ensure you get as many people playing your tournament as possible. Citadels and Scopa are good games so more people would want the chance to join both tournaments.

Skor: +0

24. Nikola,

If I am correct, your tournament is at 15:00 I assume your time, which is 10:00 eastern time. The scopa tournament is at 21:00 eastern time, so is your tournament going to last for 11 hours? Also, I have never said I was some kind of authority on the forum, so I am not sure what part of my message makes you think so. I have simply said that it wont hurt anybody. Those are not 2 messages announcing a tournament. One is a topic with the draw, and the second is posted into this topic to make sure people see it. You could have done the same for your tournament and nobody would complain since it is your topic, sadly you post so much that your reply is the last one so you cannot post once more in that topic.
Wish you best of luck on your tournament, and hoping it does not last 11 hours as that would probably break the record of the longest running Citadels game.

Skor: +0

25. Paddy_Irishman,

Happy to host a table.

Skor: +0

26. Naday,

Didn't know one has to be authority on here to say things as they are. Anyway, enjoy your 11 hours long tournament. It's always a good idea to host tournaments the same day, so people can choose what to play. Are you jealous someone steals your players? :D

Skor: +0

27. mohammed_albasha,

hi , i want to sebscribe to this tournament , my name is mohammed,

Skor: +0

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