Changing disconnection notifications and spades bidding

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Skor: +4

1. Ryo-Bee,

Hi, I have two suggestions to make: firstly, on spades and bidding. Due to the bidding field having an automatic number, it has happened to me several times that in haiste I would try to type a number and enter, only to find it didn't work and bid the automatic 3. It would be much better that if a number is not typed, nothing would be entered automatically rather inform us to type a number. Secondly, disconnection messages. If we turn off global messages, it's impossible to receive disconnection notifications. This is unfortunate for uno, where where we would like to know when someone gets disconnected to save the game. The disconnection message should be seperated to be under either games or so that we can get it under general. Thanks for your considerations.

Skor: +2

2. The-Chaos,

yes I agree, the disconnections should be in the game channel. If you disable global messages to turn off alerts in the main room, you stop getting disconnection messages as well.

Skor: +1

Poslednja izmena od strane The-Chaos, 24 Oct 2022 05:16:37

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