enjoy with the new dice game

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1. wolfi,

hey admins good morning
and good morning ladies and gentles
brothers, and sisters I will suggest something really fun, and I guess you guys might like it
It's a dice game called pig, I don't know if you guys like it
the object of the game is to rol the dice and collect some points but if your dice fall on number 1 you'll lose your turn
and who gets to score 100 wins the game like for example
I rol the dice and I get 6 and I rol it again and I get 2 that's 8, I don't want to fal on one so I just bank it and It will be my aponents turn.
I hope you guys like the idea
and tell me in the comments below
have a good day everyone.

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2. The-white-dove,

You can play this game in RSGames.

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3. wolfi,

but it's not really nice in rs games, and we're not rs games here, I'm talking about the playroom, so it's different.

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4. Paddy_Irishman,

quietfeelings yeah it's a good game on dice world and on rs games

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5. nidza09,

yes i like this idea to that is really a good game

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah, good game that we hoping it be seen soon.

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7. wolfi,

thanks guys, and at braillekid, I said it to teardrop before, I'm not talking about dice world or rs games, I'm talking about the playroom, first the dice world in the Iphone and might be not all the people have Iphone, plus the playroom is more famous from rs games I guess so.

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8. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes this game is nice and it would be nice if we have it on here.

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9. wolfi,

thanks shadiamansour85 finally you agree with me, haha

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10. YNWA,

sorry to spoil your party? lol but it will never happen! If you read the foram Aminiel said no more dice games unless it is something that is really exciting! As far as I am concerned I completely agree with him!

Skor: +0

11. wolfi,

but, we're playroom users, and we're alloud to request and suggest. and pig is a very excited game in my opinion.

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12. keyWasFull,

it's not exciting, youbjust roll and hope for th ebest

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13. wolfi,

well. all the dice games are just a luck games so.

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14. keyWasFull,

nah some of them require you to make decisions, like yahtsee and mopoly, this is just rolling and rolling and rolling and randomly stopping

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15. wolfi,

well but there is the farkle and the shut the boxess just like the pig game a little bit different, but it's still cool, in my opinion

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16. LaraStardust,

while i agree pig is an ok game, its not one that i'd consider exciting. Sorry

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17. wolfi,

that's your opinion people, cause you know everyone has there own opinion, but the admin is the one who's gonna say yes or no.

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18. YNWA,

Aminiel has already given his answer if you read the foram as I stated before. You said in your answer that there is little difference between the games and that is the reason he has already said no.

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19. wolfi,

and is aminiel the only admin here?

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20. LaraStardust,

lol, or at least, he is the biggest guy in the biggest suit. He's like hench isnt he?
lol i dont know, still though, i think aminiel is trying to stear away from copying other game platforms to much, and that is what pig would be doing

Skor: +0

21. Paddy_Irishman,

yeah yeah it's a good game and i get why u would want the admins to add it. However, I agree with inwa; there is not much strategy in it

Skor: +0

22. wolfi,

at braillekid what did you get and I didn't really understand you

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Poslednja izmena od strane wolfi, 24 Jul 2015 02:26:12

23. LaraStardust,

as keywasfull said, monopoly requires strategy.
Even farcle does to a certain degree, shut the boxes too because, you can develope a strategy for what to put down when.
Pig how ever... there is just no point to

Skor: +0

24. MuhammadHajjar,

It's a good game that I hope it to be added, but it depends 100 persent on your luck, which doesn't need from you any thinking, planning and so on.

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25. wolfi,

but also farkle monopoly and shut the boxess depence on the chance of how your gonna get the numbers or where your dice will fall so it's more chance than stratigy

Skor: +0

26. Aminiel,

Hello all,

Yes, most of dice games are more chance than strategy, and it's perfectly normal. Randomness is the essence of dice.

However, I don't see the point of adding pig when you already have farkle, the mechanic is hardly the same. You roll dice until you are stopped or decide to bank in order to save you from bad luck. Pig is just slightly simpler because there is no combination.

More generally, I'm not against new dice games. I just want to offer a wide variety of fewer games with different mechanics rather than many games that ressemble a lot eachother, and I have the impression concerning dice games that everything has been explored with the three we already have.

  • In yahtzee, the goal is to make interesting combinations
  • In shut the boxes, you play until you are stopped
  • In farkle, you have both plus the pressure of deciding to bank or keep playing.

I have the impression that there are much more possible variations in mechanic in card games, that's why tehre are more of them on the playroom. Similarely for games where dice are part of the game but aren't alone, such as in monopoly. That's why I'm not against backgammon for example. I don't have the same feeling of having already explored everything.

Nothing is definitive though. If someone can show that I'm wrong about possible dice game mechanics, I would be very happy to add another dice game. Keep posting links to game rules and give arguments why your game is interesting because it is different than what we already have.

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane Aminiel, 24 Jul 2015 09:38:32

27. LaraStardust,

personally I think we need 1 or 2 more board games? like maybe cludo?

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28. wolfi,

alright then, thanks mr aminiel why don't we have back goman then, or any board game as dardar said like there is the life one or the others said new boards for monopoly or any new game, but it will be fun if you make a voyde like this, if we suggested a game and you think you can bring it to the playroom why don't you make voyde and see if the most users want it or not, plus you guys don't have to think if the rs games have it or not, cause you guys are the best, in my opinion and a lot of people's opinion I guess

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29. Giovani ,

I must say...
Farkle and Pig or skunk, this is this same. But, differences are with counting of dices and also, what this dice have.

Skor: +0

30. gaurasuryavanshi,

hello all. I love all games here except the chess, but that's another topic. so, dice games are very nice, I am playing all the cards and the dice games here. and pick is similar to farkle, but as aminiel said, in pick they are no combinations. and pick is fun, I played it on rs games...

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