Making a new game - game of life

3 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

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1. excalibur78,

Hey guys. I think it would be awesome if we had The game of life on the Game Room. It is similar to monopoly. When the game starts, you would press enter to spin, and based on number of spaces, your token would move X number of spaces. Depending on what you land on would determine what happens next. There are pitfalls in the game of life, just like in real life. Your house could catch on fire, and you will suffer if you don't have home owner's insurance. If you bought a car, and don't have car insurance, you wouldn't be covered if you got into an accident. Things like this are in the game of life, and if you guys were able to code Monopoly, this one would be very similar in design. I know nothing of coding, so I might be totally wrong. Please consider this as a fun, new game to put on the game room for everyone to enjoy.

Skor: +0

2. alex,

i heard about this game, but i think it's singel game and only 1 can play it

note that playroom is a multi gaming platform

Skor: +0

3. excalibur78,

This is not true. This is a multi-player game. You can have many players, as there are tokens to choose from like Monopoly. Four players at one time may be reasonable limit, but you can have as many players as there are tokens. Then each person just takes his or her turn like they would in monopoly, making the appropriate choice or suffering the appropriate consequence as a result of their spin.
Here is a link.

You'll see it can be between 2 to 6 players.

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Poslednja izmena od strane excalibur78, 3 Nov 2014 03:54:53

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