suggestions for the game of chess

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Skor: +0

1. ikramy,


i have just sent you a bug report about the game of chess, and you replied that you are going to fix them in the coming release. and since this is the strategy, here are some suggestions for you to put in consideration while developing the new release:

  1. it is necessary for the players to be able to type their moves, as well as moving the pieces with the enter key. i want write directly Bh7 to move the bishop on c2 to h7, this will be faster and will give additional way for moving the pieces. regarding the litters used in the game currently, you can keep them but with a modifier key like the cotrol or so.
  2. if you are able to put an undo feature, it will be terrific. it occurs sometimes, espicially during a friendly game, that a player unintentionally moves a wrong piece, or puts it in a wrong place he doesn't want to put it in. hereupon, the two players may agree on undoing the move, but they did not find such feature. moreover. this feature will termendously help the beginners to learn chess.
  3. try to implement shortcut keys to read the following items:
  4. the current file
    the current rank
    the diagonals: the lift and the right diagonals.
    the location of all the white's pieces.
    the location of all the black pieces.
    and if you have additional idea, you can add it. this will definitely help navegating the board at ease.
    furthermore, try to put a feature that tells which pieces are attacking a particular square, even if it is empty, not only a particular piece.
  5. importing and exporting fin board layouts is a critical issue. suppose i am playing with you a very strong game, and we reached an advanced point at it. suddenly, i lost the connectin. the effort of us both will be in vain. so, it is better to implement a feature enables us to insert a fin board layout, any position, not necessary the starting position, and play right away. this will help also if 2 players want to try certain position, or want o practice an endgame position or so. it will be very wonderful, believe me.

5. try to readjust the clocks feature, i do not understand them.

i will not speak of adding a graphical board to the game so as to play sited users, as i guess that it might not be available now. and at the end, many many many thanks for your fabilous work. you are such a great invintor and i love you and your games.

keep up the excellent job

Skor: +0

2. Aminiel,

  1. Good idea. However it will probably be like this: press F9 then enter a move in a input box.
  2. I could try... but it's not so simple.
  3. It's doable for list of white's or black's pieces, but not for current row or current column
  4. NExt release will propose you import/export in FEN format.

Skor: +0

3. ikramy,

marvilous!thanks for your quick responce. but please try to put them in your ind. this game of chess you develop is considered a revoltion in the online chess for the blind. it will ease the suffering of the correspondence chess. that is why i want this game, in particular, to reach the peak. i wish if i had had some programming experience so as to help you in this, but unfortunately, i do nt know anything about that. however, you are efficient enough to do the perfect work.

you did not answer my question about the clocks. is there something wrong with them, or, i may miss something related to them. i do not understand them and how they works.

thanks in advance, and keep up the great work

Skor: +0

4. Giovani ,

Hi! I notice a strange rule, queen in check. Queen is't in check, only king. Please, fix it. Thank You.

Skor: +0

5. Pantalaimon,


If you can, please add something so that both players can copy the FEN-string - the hoster shall still be the only one who can insert it, but both should be able to see/copy the string, if the hosters connection crashes.

What about different background music for the different games? Maybe it would be too RS Games-like but still...

THX in advance - and best regards


Skor: +0

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