Arcade tables can no longer be created (rešeno)

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Skor: +2

1. Nikola,

since the latest update, it's no longer possible to play arcade games.

Simply, creating either Magic blocks or 2048 does absolutely nothing and returns you to the main room menu.


Edit: Actually this update introduced some horrible table management bugs including invitations sometimes not working, being unable to join a player if they are using a different language, and so on. To avoid creating tons of different reports I'll wait for a fix, I guess some of these bugs are closely related, but if you would prefer a more detailed description of what exactly is broken, let me know.

Skor: +1

Poslednja izmena od strane Nikola, 3 Mar 2024 02:14:18

2. abhishek,

if anybuddy send invitation, now we cannot join by direct pressing ctrl j.
we have to go on that persons name, and then only we can join.

Skor: +0

3. HeadphoneJack,

I don't know what had happened in the time I was offline for like a few hours, but the issues OP described as well as the cards against humanity ghost tables I described in another topic seem to be gone.

Skor: +0

4. Nikola,

yes this is fixed in the latest update.

Only one issue remains out of everything mentioned:
If someone is at a private table, pressing CTRL+J on their name reports "This table is no longer available."

In the past, it reported "Username is not at a table or the latter is private."

Skor: +1

5. MariaChap,

hi. where do u get info abot how to play the arcade games?

Skor: +0

6. Nikola,

I answered this question in the other topic, but I also copy it below just in case. Feel free to create a new topic in case you have any additional questions.

the same way as in other games, i.e. ctrl+f1 once you create a table to open its rules.

That being said, this is unfortunately broken in Magic Blocks due to a small oversight.
Either way, you can find the Magic Blocks rules here
and the 2048 rules here.

Currently, this covers the only arcade games available at the moment.

Skor: +2

7. MariaChap,

HI. how do I access the links in this forum? thanks so much for your reply

Skor: +0

8. thePleyroom,

Hello, when you press enter on a message to read the full message, it gets printed in the history section. you can coppy the link from there, or press enter on the link to open it in your default web browser

Skor: +1

9. Nikola,

In addition to that, you can also focus the message in your history with page up and down, and then press ctrl+enter to open a link, if any.

Since there were 2 in the previous one, a menu will open asking you which one do you want, and you can select any of them.

Finally, if nothing else works, the "Open on the web" item will open the topic in your Web browser, there you can activate links just like anywhere else.

Skor: +1

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