French Tarot: What happened with the push contract?

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Skor: +3

1. Nikola,

this was already asked in another topic, but it contained a lot of different reports, so it may have been overlooked.

What happened with the "Push" contract in French tarot? With or without simple take, this contract is no longer available after the new options system.
If the idea is to remove it, note that the bots can, and do still take this contract, so that should probably be resolved.

I am not at all good at this game, so I have no opinion on whether this is a good or a bad thing, I have just received questions about it and would prefer to know its status, or make a report if this was never intentional.

Thank you for any clarifications.

Skor: +1

2. Aminiel,


The idea was to remove it.

With the old system, you could choose between three modes:

  • Old school / household, where you had take, push and guard
  • Traditional, where you had take, guard, but not push
  • Tournament, where you just had guard and up.

However, these modes have never been very clear. Push contract is really old school, not very official, and is allowed only with 5 and 6 players. Playing with 6 players is a non-official extension (not very interesting in gameplay), and with 5 players, it isn't very useful.
More problematic, additionally, because it had a factor of 1.5, it causes random and subtle rounding errors. It's rare, but it happens, and it's strange. Normally, the sum of all scores must always be 0, so you could quite easily catch such errors.

For all these reasons, I decided to remove the push contract. I might add some other new optional rules soon, though.

Skor: +0

3. YNWA,

I am glad the Push option has gone as it encourages players to take on a higher contract. When I first played the game players including myself took on the smaller contracts which made games drag on for hours sometimes.

The Push option should now be deleted from the rules.

Skor: +1

4. Cristina,

French tarot is one of my favorite game and I am very glad that the "Push" option no longer exist.
In fact, I never liked to play the "standard" variant because of the "Push" and the "Little" options.
I considered just a waste of time choosing one of those two.
Because of this, I almost always played the "Tournament" variant where we don't have these options.
But I agree with Aminiel, that they could be useful if we play with 5 or 6 players, although I never tried before.

Skor: +0

5. YNWA,

Playing French Tarot is more of a challenge with 5 players than 6 because you have 1 player helping you instead of 2 players. When deciding to take on a contract you can take more of a risk with a poor hand with 6 players because you have half the players helping you. When calling for a King with the 5 player game you could be unlucky as that King could be in your kitty. Sometimes it can be an advantage to choose a slightly lesser card if you have a good hand as you have say 3 Kings as there can only be 1 King left.

Skor: -1

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