Submitting new questions for quiz

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1. darklordsshewolf ,

I would like to ask why i don't see my submitted questions as the pending ones? I mean, last time i added new questions there was zero for validation, after my questions was the vallue same. Why are these questions somehow limitated, or have i sign somewhere or what? Thanks in adwance. Klara

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2. YNWA,

We have approved of over 16,300 questions but sadly we have rejected many for a variety of reasons.

Some Repeats (Don't send any more questions on American capitals as we have covered them all).
Some so vile/rude/x-rated almost worthy of a ban.
Some not even in English
Some poorly written we don't understand what the person is asking.
Some are not even quiz questions.
Some are so specialist that only the sender knows the answer. (an example is a regional question on sport./lower leagues or lesser known chart hits in music)
Some do not fit a 4 possible answer question even if the question is good. (no point in having a question where you have only 2 realistic answers)
Some questions factually are open for intirpritation.

Aminiel said he wanted a quality quiz and I believe we have delivered on that.



Skor: +0

3. Nikola,

I believe that also, but that was not the question in the first post. When you submit a question, are you leaving the table and entering again to see the number? If you just check in the history, it wont automatically update.

Skor: +0

4. darklordsshewolf ,

well yes, i had to leave entire platform to see it.

Skor: +0

5. YNWA,

I can tell you sometimes as soon as I validate a question it can go through within sseconds other times it can take a couple of minutes, I think this happens more at night, UK time but I think less now. You should only need to create another Quiz Party table to see your question has gone through. This should be the same for those sending questions.

While I am on the subject of Quiz Party we are looking for questions that are different from what we already have so it gives people more of a variety of questions when playing the game.

Skor: +0

6. Paddy_Irishman,

I don't think it's fair to discriminate. In music, for example, surely a lesser known chart is a decent quiz question? People are going out of their way to write questions/answers only for them to be rejected? This was never in the rules at the beginning.

Skor: +0

7. Fawaz,

if it is up to me,i'll remove all these flag color questions :/

Skor: +0

8. YNWA,

People can look on the forum to see what information we had as we did not have any more than was up there. We were given some info on where the questions should go and nothing more, the rest was down to us. The categories were already chosen and we have tried to fit in the questions that we get/put in as best we can.

The format is simple for what is required. If you send in a question you need a simple question with 4 realistic possible answers. You have to remember that people on average get about 20 seconds to listen to the question and think about what the answer could be. They don't want to spend 18 seconds listening to that question.

Remember this is a quiz so we want "quiz questions" this is not a blind spacific quiz so colours will be in cluded" I am sure if you play sighted quizzes they won't take out all colour related questions just for you. Remember some people can see colours.

People who play quiz party are interested in different things so would not welcome getting questions on the same thing all the time so we do have to have some balance. Should I just put in questions about Liverpool FC? I don't think that would be fair on people who support other teams or like other sports. With music I said we had questions on niche genres of music where it is highly likely that the person who sent in the question would be the only one that knew the answer.

We accept questions that are good quiz questions that fit into this multiple choice format but if they are bad questions we will not accept them.

We have created the best possible qquiz party we can from the material we have and that is all we can do.


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