About switching pages on the forum

8 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

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1. Nikola,

first of all, thanks for implementing the ability to switch pages on the forum using the client as well.
It mostly works great, except one small problem. If you visit a section, for example your inbox, and switch to the second page, then open a discussion, finish reading and go back to your inbox, the page won't be remembered and you'll instead be back on the first page.
I hope you can fix this so that going back returns you to where you have been before you opened the discussion / topic.

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2. StormProductions,


Not sure if you have same issue, but for me, even if there are less posts than are required for more than 1 page, the Next page button is still displayed, and when pressed, returns same posts that I have already read instead of showing a message like "There are no other posts.", or probably don't display that button at all.

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3. Fawaz,

I think it should be labeled as previous page, since it is already opening the last page.

Skor: +0

4. MuhammadHajjar,

I was about to report the same issue. Yeah it really happens, thus makes me sometimes refer to the web as I was used to if I wanted to check each section separately without losing progress.

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Poslednja izmena od strane MuhammadHajjar, 3 Mar 2021 13:20:39

5. Emrah20,

I have same problem, as in post 2 of this topic.

Skor: +0

6. Nikola,

Interesting, the problem from the second post seems to be fixed for me since the latest reboot.

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7. Emrah20,

Moment, so have You rebooted Your computer via Bios?

Skor: +0

8. Nikola,

No, I am talking about a server reboot, there's nothing you have to do.

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8 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

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