Bot was given 8 points for a three of a kind in Cribbage

5 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

Skor: +0

1. RosieKitty,

It's my understanding that a 3 of a kind in Cribbage is 6 points, but one of my bot opponents was given 8 points. Is there something I'm missing here?

Welcome to the playroom, version [19.09.2021]. 184 players are connected at the moment.
AdemSadikli has joined Beauregard and prabhu at a table of Ninety nine.
Choose a game :
jenifer has just created a new table of Scopa.
mustafaakdogan42 has just created a new table of Scopa.
You have joined the table.
Wait for players to join, then press enter to start the game. Press B to add bots, press Shift+B to remove bots, and press Alt+O to set game options.
VATSYAYANA has just created a new table of Free table.
The table is now private.
Indiana jones has joined the table.
Baby duck has joined the table.
Do you wish to play with the default options?
The game starts.
The victory is fixed to 121 points.
Round #1. Baby duck shuffles the cards and distributes them.
Crib is for Baby duck.
Choose 1 cards to put in the crib:
Starting card is a jack of clubs.
Baby duck marks 2 points.
It's your turn.
You play a queen of clubs.
The total is now 10.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 5 of clubs.
The total is now 15.
Indiana jones marks 2 points.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a king of spades.
The total is now 25.
You can't play.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 3 of hearts.
The total is now 28.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 2 of clubs.
The total is now 30.
Baby duck marks 1 points.
It's your turn.
You play a queen of spades.
The total is now 10.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 2 of spades.
The total is now 12.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 7 of diamonds.
The total is now 19.
It's your turn.
You play a jack of diamonds.
The total is now 29.
You mark 1 points.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a jack of spades.
The total is now 10.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 6 of hearts.
The total is now 16.
It's your turn.
You play a 10 of clubs.
The total is now 26.
You mark 1 points.
Starting card is jack of clubs.
RosieKitty's hand is 10 of clubs, jack of diamonds, queen of spades and queen of clubs.
Counting points. Press enter when you are ready to type in the number of points this hand is worth.
This hand was worth 16 points, not 12!
You mark 12 points.
Baby duck marks 4 points.
Indiana jones marks 4 points.
2 pairs for 4 and 4 straights of 3 for 12 makes 16 points
Starting card is jack of clubs.
Indiana jones's hand is 5 of clubs, jack of spades, 2 of spades and 3 of hearts.
Indiana jones marks 10 points.
4 fifteens for 8 and 1 pairs for 2 makes 10 points
Starting card is jack of clubs.
Baby duck's hand is 7 of diamonds, king of spades, 6 of hearts and 2 of clubs.
Baby duck marks 2 points.
1 fifteens for 2 makes 2 points
Starting card is jack of clubs.
Crib contains 8 of hearts, ace of spades, 9 of hearts and ace of clubs.
Baby duck marks 2 points.
1 pairs for 2 makes 2 points
Indiana jones: 16.
RosieKitty: 14.
Baby duck: 11.

Next round in 15 seconds.
mila_lady has left the playroom.
Pause. Press Shift+P to start the next round.
Round #2. RosieKitty shuffles the cards and distributes them.
Crib is for RosieKitty.
Choose 1 cards to put in the crib:
Crib is for RosieKitty.
Starting card is a 2 of diamonds.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 10 of diamonds.
The total is now 10.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 5 of diamonds.
The total is now 15.
Baby duck marks 2 points.
It's your turn.
You play a 9 of clubs.
The total is now 24.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 7 of diamonds.
The total is now 31.
Indiana jones marks 2 points.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 3 of clubs.
The total is now 3.
It's your turn.
You play a 4 of spades.
The total is now 7.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays an 8 of diamonds.
The total is now 15.
Indiana jones marks 2 points.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a jack of clubs.
The total is now 25.
It's your turn.
You play a 6 of spades.
The total is now 31.
You mark 2 points.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 2 of spades.
The total is now 2.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 3 of diamonds.
The total is now 5.
It's your turn.
You play a 4 of diamonds.
The total is now 9.
You mark 4 points.
Starting card is 2 of diamonds.
Indiana jones's hand is 7 of diamonds, 8 of diamonds, 10 of diamonds and 2 of spades.
Indiana jones marks 4 points.
1 fifteens for 2 and 1 pairs for 2 makes 4 points
Starting card is 2 of diamonds.
Baby duck's hand is 3 of clubs, jack of clubs, 3 of diamonds and 5 of diamonds.
Baby duck marks 8 points.
3 fifteens for 6 and 1 pairs for 2 makes 8 points
Starting card is 2 of diamonds.
RosieKitty's hand is 4 of spades, 4 of diamonds, 6 of spades and 9 of clubs.
Counting points. Press enter when you are ready to type in the number of points this hand is worth.
You mark 8 points.
Starting card is 2 of diamonds.
Crib contains ace of clubs, 7 of clubs, jack of hearts and 8 of spades.
Counting points. Press enter when you are ready to type in the number of points this hand is worth.
Starting card is 2 of diamonds.
You mark 2 points.
RosieKitty: 30.
Indiana jones: 24.
Baby duck: 21.

Next round in 15 seconds.
Pause. Press Shift+P to start the next round.
Round #3. Indiana jones shuffles the cards and distributes them.
Crib is for Indiana jones.
Choose 1 cards to put in the crib:
Starting card is a 4 of spades.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a king of diamonds.
The total is now 10.
It's your turn.
Starting card is 4 of spades.
You play a 6 of hearts.
The total is now 16.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a queen of clubs.
The total is now 26.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 4 of clubs.
The total is now 30.
Baby duck marks 1 points.
It's your turn.
You play a 9 of hearts.
The total is now 9.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a queen of hearts.
The total is now 19.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a king of spades.
The total is now 29.
Baby duck marks 1 points.
It's your turn.
You play a queen of diamonds.
The total is now 10.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 10 of diamonds.
The total is now 20.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a king of hearts.
The total is now 30.
Baby duck marks 1 points.
It's your turn.
You play a jack of clubs.
The total is now 10.
It's Indiana jones's turn.
Indiana jones plays a 4 of diamonds.
The total is now 14.
Indiana jones marks 1 points.
Starting card is 4 of spades.
Baby duck's hand is king of diamonds, king of spades, 4 of clubs and king of hearts.
Baby duck marks 8 points.
1 three of a kind for 6 makes 8 points
Starting card is 4 of spades.
RosieKitty's hand is 6 of hearts, 9 of hearts, jack of clubs and queen of diamonds.
Counting points. Press enter when you are ready to type in the number of points this hand is worth.
Press B to see who has the crib.
Press C to find out how much the current total is, or what is the hand currently being counted.
Press F to see what the top card is.
Press V to see cards currently on the table.
Press S to view scores.
Press T to see whose turn it is.
Press W to know who is at the table and who is its master.
Press Shift+W to get the list of players at the table.
Press Q to quit the table.
Press Ctrl+U to get a list of all connected players.
Press F1 to get some short help.
Press Ctrl+F1 to get detailed help about game rules and specific shortcut keys.
Press Ctrl+F2 to open the forum in your web browser.
Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the forum directly in the client.
Press Ctrl+Shift+M to open your inbox.
Press X to stop the game and open the table to new participants.
Press Alt+O to set game options.
Press Ctrl+S to save the table.
Press Ctrl+K to kick a player from the table.
Press Ctrl+I to invite a player.
Press Ctrl+J to accept an invitation.
Press Ctrl+B to ban a player from the table.
Press Ctrl+Shift+B to see the list of banned players from the table.
Press Ctrl+R to replace a player by another one.
Press Ctrl+T to know the duration of the game in progress.
Press Ctrl+H to hide the table (private table).

Skor: +0

2. Aminiel,


The bot had three kings, but also had a pair of 4. This effectively makes a total of 8 points.

Skor: +0

3. Naday,

Right. But the pair is not mentioned there in the comment. There it only mentions the three of a kind. That's the issue I see.

Skor: +0

4. Vojvoda,

Correct me if I am wrong but usually it displays cards in the ascending order, so it should say 4, king, king, king, here it's king, king, 4, king
Baby duck's hand is king of diamonds, king of spades, 4 of clubs and king of hearts.

Skor: +0

5. YNWA,

Starting card is 4 of spades.
Baby duck's hand is king of diamonds, king of spades, 4 of clubs and king of hearts.
Baby duck marks 8 points.
1 three of a kind for 6 makes 8 points

It is the explanation that is the issue not the points. as you can see below:

1 three of a kind for 6 makes 8 points

1 3 of a kind (3 kings) makes 6 points not 8, it does not say plus a pair (2 4s) and that is what is missing from the translation.

it should read:

1 three of a kind plus 1 pair scores 8 points

unless you want to say...

1 three of a kind (6) plus 1 pair (2) scores 8 points

Skor: +0

5 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

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