Happy birthday to playroom

5 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

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1. grobar ,

Hello all , today , on september 8th of 2010 , the playroom became publicly opened to everyone. So , after 6 years , even though i was here only for 1 year , i created this topic to wish our platform a very happy 6th anniversary and use this opportunity to thank aminiel for all the games he has developed and gave to us free of charge. Thanks Aminiel , and happy birthday to our best online platform.

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane grobar , 8 Sep 2016 16:37:07

2. Exink,

Hello! I didn't want to miss this opportunity to take part of this. With a slight delay because I wasn't connected here and because I was unsure if Playroom's anniversary was on 8th September or what, I also want to congratulate to Aminiel for this platform that has lengthened for six long years, and probably there will be more time to meet, chat and play with people that is like us around the world!

Happy birthday, dear Playroom!

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane Exink, 9 Sep 2016 02:38:21

3. Lemonade,

Blah, I'm late! oh well, happy late birthday anyway.

Skor: +0

4. Mayana,

well it's 9th here, but it's said that it's better to wish a happy birthday to late than to early, so here it goes. Happy beerday ... um, birthday. Happy birthday, deer playroom, and I hope you stay standing for several more years, regardles of spammers trying to take you appart. It could be better, but hey, it could be worse! Bring out the fireworks, except in the countries where they are banned now, like here. Chears!

Skor: +0

5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Happy birthday playroom, more and more years, without cake written on it the name of the most populer spammer. :D
Happy playing: And thanks to Aminiel!

Skor: +0

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