Helping a friend to study in Brazil

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1. Exink,


I post here in order to share some info about a progect we're trying to do. Our goal is to help a yong person who also is my friend to study in one of
the most important universities in Brazil. For this, we'll require some donations from you, therefore your help is going to be fundamental for coming this
dream true!

Here's a little bit about this progect; sorry if there are some translation mistakes:

Crowdfunding campaign for studying in the Federal University for Latin Integration (UNILA), Brazil
Who are we?

Isaías Hernández Galeano

L. Sebastián Bustamante Urrea

More info

Which goals do we go after?

Federal University for Latin American Integration (Foç do Iguaçu, Brazil). Select the next hyperlink to visit their website:

Studying at the Federal University for Latin American Integration (Unila) in Brazil, as well as funding visas and other documents.
What is Unila?
                Paying for the lodging and maintenance during the four years of instance.
Transport by airlines from Bucaramanga and Ibagué (Colombia) to Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil).

More info

Please donate now and contribute to the cause.


Our lives have aparently not too many points in common, except for some unabilities and the difficulty for obtaining a high-quality education in a continent
that itself has poor results in educational quality. So, the chance that's given through the way to take part of an educational progect where the latin
american needs are taken into account, primarily when making the academic formation of the different professional people required for a right society's
performance is thus highly desired.
Working from public politics and the governmental leadership  frames (Sebastián) and from education, cultural interchange, from knowledges ranging from
a general statement to linguistic ones (Isaías) we pretend to help our societies from a widespread, weighted, collaborative, imaginative point of view,
and specially to integrate the latin american processes of regional cooperation and development.

That's why we choose Unila as the institution that handles our education, due to its philosophy, methodology and because of its a little bit risky bet
maybe by bringing an education, clearly with items about languages, feelings, experiences and needs of a continent that since ever has adapted materials
from other realities when they would have made improvements, investigation, cooperation and development to its own natural rhythm an stile

We hope you to give us a chance we request and before all else, you give us an oportunity to be sharers in a widespread, innovative and productive project
in a new way.

You'll need enter the original page (in spanish at the moment) to donate. We're working in an english version for the website, anyways this is trusty to proceed.
Here's the link:
At the top, a heading showing the actual and remaining currency will be displayed. Also you'll find other useful links to read more about the progect.

To do so, simply select "DONE AHORA Y CONTRIBUYA CON LA CAUSA", which means "Please donate now and contribute to the cause". At the next page that will
appear, add to the buying shop car the next product. After, click on Cesta de la compra, tramitar compra and follow
the next steps. The personal data you type in will be added, as well as the public information for your PayPal account, for internal use and identity and
donations control reasons

The paying methods are as follows: PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover, as well as world bank transfer.

Last, select the money you would like to donate by pressing the corresponding radio button, and right away there will be another button which means something
like "Add to the car".

Another way to help us is if you can sare the info to the others, so if you are unable to donate due to whichever reason, there will be someone else who could do it!

The english version of this page will be added soon, so that you can know more about this progect if you want!

And in case of doubt, there's the english version of their biographies to know more about them: … s.txt?dl=0

We hope you can help us to make this not only a dream but a reality! Though what you donate can look too small, of course it is going to be highly appreciated.

Thanks for your support!

Best regards.

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane Exink, 18 Oct 2016 17:10:29

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