4 poruka, 1 stranica:  1 ↖ Vrati se nazad na listu tema

Skor: +0

1. YNWA,

I said I had scanned in these questions in another post and thaught people maybe interested in them. I know people learning/improving English have in the passed asked me these kind of questions. I will post below them then it is up to people what they want to do with it. If you want to copy them feel free to do so or send them to friends if you want to do that.

Complete the following proverbs :

Q is the question and A is the answer.

  1. A faint heart never won.........?
  2. a fair lady.
  1. The early bird catches.............?
  2. the worm.
  1. Paddle your own..............?
  2. canoe.
  1. Make hay while the ............?
  2. sun shines.
  1. Once bitten......,.....,?
  2. twice shy.
  1. Two wrongs do not...........?
  2. make a right.
  1. A cat may look at a...............?
  2. Queen.
  1. Bad news travels................?
  2. fast.
  1. Don't cut off your nose to...............?
  2. spite your face.
  1. Actions speak louder..................?
  2. than words.

When the cat's away......
A. the mice will play.

Q, You can't teach an old dog.....
A. new tricks.

  1. A leopard cant change....
  2. his spots.
  1. You can lead a horse to water but....
  2. you can't make him drink.
  1. A rolling stone....
  2. gathers no moss.
  1. Look before you ..........?
  2. leap.
  1. A stitch in time...............?
  2. saves nine.
  1. Too many cooks..............?
  2. spoil the broth.
  1. More haste......?
  2. less speed.
  1. If at first you don't succeed..............?
  2. try again.
  1. Don't put off until tomorrow................?
  2. what you can do today.
  1. Don't count your chickens.......?
  2. before they are hatched.
  1. Don't put all your eggs................?
  2. in one basket.

Skor: +0

2. sound2,

Interesting. Some of them I knew, but others I didn't. I sometimes wonder how did these sayings come about.

Skor: +0

3. Paddy_Irishman,

these sayings are mostly of british origin and are used over here in ireland also. i'm sort of wondering if you just watched a whole season of catch phrase and just copied what you heard? lol

Skor: +0

4. YNWA,


  1. What is the opposite of hate?
  2. Adore.
  1. What is the opposite of attack?
  2. Defend.
  1. What is the opposite of refuse?
  2. Accept.
  1. What is the opposite of neat?
  2. Untidy.
  1. What is the opposite of succeed?
  2. Fail.
  1. What is the opposite of nothing?
  2. Everything.

Q. What is the opposite of strength?
A. Weakness.

  1. What is the opposite of spend?
  2. Save.
  1. What is the opposite of reveal?
  2. Conceal.

  3. What is the opposite of vanish?
  4. Appear.


Q. What do you become when you join a club?
A. A member.

  1. What word beginning with a 'j' is someone who rides horses in horse races?
  2. A jockey.
  1. What is the name of a person who writes plays?
  2. A playwright.
  1. What is the name of a person who climbs high buildings?
  2. A steeplejack.
  1. What is the name of a person who performs operations?
  2. A surgeon.
  1. What is the name of a person who arrests people?
  2. A policeman.
  1. What is the name of the person who advises on legal matters?
  2. A solicitor.

Q. What is the name of the person who sells newspapers?

A. Newsagent.

  1. What is the name of the person who writes stories in newspapers and magazines?
  2. A journalist
  1. What is the name of a person who flies an aircraft?
  2. A pilot.
  1. What is the name of the person who directs an orchestra?
  2. The conductor.
  1. What is the name of the person who sells fish?
  2. Fishmonger.
  1. What is the name of a person who catches fish with a rod and line?
  2. An angler.
  1. What is the name of a person who designs buildings?
  2. An architect.
  1. What is the name of a person who amuses us at a circus?
  2. A clown.
  1. What is the name of the person who teaches us at school?
  2. A teacher.
  1. What is the name of the person who looks after our health?
  2. A doctor.

Skor: +0

Poslednja izmena od strane YNWA, 11 Feb 2017 01:30:27

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