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3928 topics, 79 pages:  1 37 3839 40 41 79 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

NVDA will not speak information in the Web Client

slannon 1 Nikola,

What's your favorite futboll team?

play_romania1 32 MuhammadHajjar,

What's youre favourite side scroler or stratagy audio game.

RoastChicken 21 RoastChicken,

suggestion to Play Room.

IndonesianGamer 22 RoastChicken,

how to turn off windows defender on windows ten.

RoastChicken 2 FloydLawton,

reading information with ctrl f1

mahdie 1 Sajad-Aliraqi,

helping me with my music

wolfi 1 aryathealkanist,

Official thread for Desafio Mortal

Exink 40 RoastChicken,

last connect time

LaraStardust 34 Sajad-Aliraqi,

There seems to be a bug with 1000 miles

kumandan 7 aloysius,

typos, typos, so many typos!

LaraStardust 7 RoastChicken,

Accessible DJing software

Paddy_Irishman 24 Paddy_Irishman,


Mohammedradwan2003 37 Nikola,

Force junking in web client?

kumandan 5 kumandan,

edit field not working on texas holdem

pooch754 1 Aminiel,

Bug with web client on iOS

kumandan 2 Aminiel,

Question for Koreans

Giovani 0 Giovani ,

happy aid

Mohammedradwan2003 68 Amine,

Skype upgrade?

balasana 6 balasana ,

Suggestions for new games.

coasterfreak88 2 RoastChicken,

Having issue with the web client

Mazdak 1 Nikola,

Happy Eid Ul-Adha

BlueTardisz 0 BlueTardisz,

Why must to know French for translating Gameroom?

Giovani 27 YNWA,

inable main room chat again

Mohammedradwan2003 55 Amine,

Customizing Playroom sounds

supanut2000 11 Paddy_Irishman,

New games on pr

Peggy_Bella420 8 CathyAnne,

tutorial on chess

whozitken 2 Aminiel,

only you on the play room

Mohammedradwan2003 14 CathyAnne,

Private messages mixing with friend notifications channel

Vojvoda 4 Amine,

Accessible Skype

Giovani 22 Minionslayer,

classic skype

laila.ali 25 Qais,

adding menapoly by cards

Mohammedradwan2003 7 Marina,


play_romania1 8 Qais,

https support for the website

slannon 2 slannon,


Moriarty 2 Vojvoda ,

Adding Briscola to QuentinC's Playroom

Exink 8 policeman1,

winning uno

musiclover 10 Vojvoda ,

Dominos Tournament

Jeff-Rutkowski 1 musiclover,

three questions that I have

ethan 1 Nikola,

what you want to mean your user name?

play_romania1 1 Vojvoda ,

i want celebration a chess tornoment

matinkh 0 matinkh,

movies and series with audio description

elbicho 5 Nikola,

question about skype

laila.ali 9 laila.ali,


YNWA 7 Epic_Krrish,

Incorrect player count in Zanzibar

Nikola 0 Nikola,

List of favorite friends

Vojvoda 28 sound2,

Domikenshi - New song from TSP and in two versions

Giovani 12 Giovani ,

the name of a bott

LaraStardust 3 YNWA,

Bug with the client.

OrsoNero 2 OrsoNero ,

What's your favorite World Cup song?

balasana 2 YNWA,

3928 topics, 79 pages:  1 37 3839 40 41 79 ← Go back to forum list

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