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3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 68 6970 71 72 80 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

can you add Hearts game?

abdulrahman 2 bleeblat ,

playroom is grate

sweet_selena_2000 0 sweet_selena_2000,

how do I delete a saved table

whozitken 2 sweet_selena_2000,

nw version, new features, and more friends than sto! :)

sweet_selena_2000 2 sweet_selena_2000,

problems with listening of audio streams

sweet_selena_2000 2 sweet_selena_2000,

Additional Stats and Achievements

Jeff-Rutkowski 3 Aminiel,

save and restore tables.

moshedr 5 Jeff-Rutkowski,

a personal message

john_joseph 1 Jeff-Rutkowski,

farkle tournament

sweet_selena_2000 0 sweet_selena_2000,

Hyding the streaming link.

Master-Chief 2 Master-Chief,

I notice that the client has been lagging the past few days

Sportsoholic 1 Daredevil,

bonus yahtzee?

whozitken 1 Daredevil,

uno - drawing cards between rounds

ns-studios 3 ns-studios,

monopoly auction

marca91 1 jamesrslagle,

1000 miles and missing menu check

tyrylu 0 tyrylu,

emoticonss in playroom

sweet_selena_2000 0 sweet_selena_2000,

The first harry potter movie.

bradley 0 bradley,

poker pot problem

LaraStardust 1 Aminiel,

Some things I have been thinking about.

bradley 0 bradley,

poker tornament

LaraStardust 3 bradley,

poker spaces in numbers

LaraStardust 2 LaraStardust,

poker chip saves

LaraStardust 2 LaraStardust,

Uno tournament champion

the-ace 0 the-ace ,

I don't understand why this consistently happens.

staindaddict 2 Aminiel,

Uno tournament draw

the-ace 2 medo,

Playable cards and no-playable cards on 1000 miles and Uno.

miss_hysterical 4 jage,

Skopa tournament cancelation

Raki 1 Ranma,

A really strange problem

nenadxx 1 Aminiel,

Uno and skopa tournaments coming up!

Raki 2 Raki,

Scientific War

Ellinder 1 jage,

questions about 1000 miles and scientific war

whozitken 2 whozitken,

Let's stop the dramma, let's end it now.

Ranma 0 Ranma,

Applications menu in free table

Jeff-Rutkowski 1 Aminiel,


keba 3 Aminiel,

Shut the Box

Ellinder 2 jage,

Agree to Disagree

Ellinder 0 Ellinder,

Error while connect.

siddharta 2 Aminiel,

Adding a new translation

oaron 1 Aminiel,

Uno sounds

karulaczek 3 Raki,

Shortcut keys in the playroom

Jeff-Rutkowski 0 Jeff-Rutkowski,

New Game Suggestion

ABiolanAtHeart 1 Aminiel,

keep bl;ockeing kickers

whozitken 0 whozitken,

The players on the friend list & The table is now open for new players.

Sektor 0 Sektor ,

playroom bugs

stanimira 0 stanimira ,

French Tarot Improvements

ABiolanAtHeart 4 Aminiel,

Replacing a player in the playroom

Jeff-Rutkowski 0 Jeff-Rutkowski,

Player Profiles

Jeff-Rutkowski 2 Jeff-Rutkowski,

f7 and f8 won't work for me

coolcurt 2 coolcurt,

skopa second round.

Raki 0 Raki,

Monopoly Context Menu Options

Jeff-Rutkowski 5 Aminiel,

3987 topics, 80 pages:  1 68 6970 71 72 80 ← Go back to forum list

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