Hilo oficial de NVDA (ongoing)

26192 messages, 874 pages:  1; 845 846847 848 849; 874 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +170

25381. Tropical,

Precisamente el error estaba en que simplemente entraba a la tienda de Nvda en vez de la de complementos, gracias por la ayuda. Puede ser de gran lógica todo esto para el típico usuario prepotente que lo llevará usando una década, pero se agradece a quienes en vez de criticar a los que apenas empezamos a incursionar ofrecen ayuda práctica.

Score: +0

25382. DjDisplay,

No te preocupes tropical, en el caso de la otra tienda la de NVDA en español, aí si es distinto el proceso. En el caso de la que ya trae NVDA, se hace el proceso que te dí mensajes más arriba.

Score: +0

25383. Tropical,

Bien, ya lo realicé, gracias nuevamente, ahora, dónde puedo encontrar las funciones del arranque del Nvda al iniciar sesión?, creo que antes estaba en la pestaña general de las opciones pero no la encuentro navegando por todo ello. Por otro lado, cómo podría bloquear el ratón para que no interfiera con el sistema si lo muevo por error?

Score: +0

25384. DjDisplay,

te ayudo con la primera.
En general, das tab y te debería salir esta cacilla. Arrancar NVDA después de iniciar sesión esta debe estar marcada.
Luego esta cacilla de aquí: Usar NVDA durante el inicio de sesión (requiere privilegios de administrador) también la marcamos.
Y listo, damos en aceptar y así NVDA hará lo que ya conocemos.
La primera cacilla es para que NVDA se inicie cuando ya el sistema esté arrancado o iniciado.
Y la segunda es para usar NVDA mientras estamos en la pantalla de bloqueo.

Score: +0

25385. Tropical,

esto si no creo que sea error mío jadsj, al entrar en general y dar tab me aparece para cambiar el idioma, otro tab y dice: guardar configuración al salir de Nvda, que es una casilla de verificación

Score: +0

25386. Rayo,

un par de tabs más, vamos, sí se puede.

Score: +0

25387. DjDisplay,

Tienes que dar tab y aí están las opciones que te decimos.
Tab tab tab tab

Score: +0

25388. marcoML,

6 tabs desde que entras a general.

Score: +0

25389. Tropical,

jasdf síi, tampoco estoy usando una navegación tan primitiva, precisamente el sexto tab ese el último, que habla sobre la recopilación de información al usar el lector

Score: +0

25390. DjDisplay,

Estimada aquí el punto es que sepas la forma de navegación y dejar que tu lector lea bien lo que estás tocando.

Score: +0

25391. XPChuy ,

en realidad cuando entras a preferencias ya te enfoca en la lista de opciónes. con las flechas arriva y abajo te mueves por ellas y con el tabulador entras en la opción correspondiente y luego con tab te vas moviendo

Score: +1

25392. Sandokannn,

Eh... a lo mejor soy yo,, pero desde el idioma hasta aceptar hay 11 tabs, diez hasta la de recopilar info.

Score: +0

Last edited by Sandokannn, Oct 6 2024 21:20:32

25393. Tropical,

Insisto, hay únicamente 6 opciones al bajar por tabs. Sé
que las opciones por alguna razón no están completas porque en mi dispositivo anterior aparecían más, incluyendo las opciones de arranque.

Score: +0

25394. Sandokannn,

¿Usás un NVDA portable?

Score: +0

25395. DjDisplay,

Me temo que está con NVDA portable, por eso no le sale.

Score: +0

25396. Tropical,

Efectivamente, es portable, conviene mejor tener el instalado?

Score: +0

25397. Rayo,

sí, claro.

Score: +0

25398. DjDisplay,

Yo te diría que sí, conviene tenerlo instalado

Score: +0

25399. Tropical,

vale, acabo de instalarlo y me quedaron dos Nvda en el escritorio, eliminé el acceso directo del que creo que es el portable pero no sé porqué no se me elimina de descargas, además me pide instalar las voces de Vocalicer que son las que estaba usando en el portable, aunque me sigue hablando una de ellas por lo que no sé si el instalado está corriendo al tiempo que el portable, No sé si me hice entender con todo esto.

Score: +0

25400. Markk,

Uf... Tengo una idea. Borra todo rastro de nvda y empezá de nuevo con una copia limpia

Score: +0

25401. sol-dorado,

Hora de hacer honor a oski: tremendo

Score: +0

Last edited by sol-dorado, Oct 6 2024 22:48:56

25402. el_pichon,

Es una movida que flipas.

Score: +0

25403. Lionel-Messi,

Hola a todos Una pregunta: Tengo una amiga, que el NVDA le dice esto. Error diálogo Han fallado las operaciones en algunos complementos. Consulta el archivo de registro para más detalles.
Fallo al instalar el siguiente complemento: reportpasswords.

Score: +0

25404. marcoML,

checa el registro para más detalles, literal.
No en serio chequen y peguen su contenido a ver si sale algo.

Score: +0

25405. Lionel-Messi,

como se hace eso¿?

Score: +0

25406. Que_Cosa,

bueno,a mí en mis dos laptops me pasa algo bastante extraño. NVDA no está marcado para que se ejecute en las pantallas seguras y sin embargo así y todo lo hace. por ejemplo cuando las compus me piden el pin para arrancar, primero habla narrador y después NVDA mete la cuchara.

Score: +0

25407. DjDisplay,

Para mi papi chulo, tecla modificadora de NVDA mas la letra n para abrir su menú, luego bajamos hasta herramientas y lo expandes.
Luego de esto, sale la opción Ver registro y aí si copias todo su contenido que está aí y lo pegas por aquí si quieres.
Los sabidos en este tema podrán decirte donde está la falla.

Score: +0

25408. Lionel-Messi,

dale dale; aí me fijo muchas gracias.

Score: +0

25409. Kazhak,

¿A alguien le ocurre usando NVDA y Firefox que en ocasiones no lee correctamente algunas respuestas de ChatGPT? son respuestas que solo contienen texto, no símbolos extraños. Al Cambiar a Jaws o Narrador sí lo lee bien.

Score: +0

25410. Lionel-Messi,

esto salta en el registro de NVDA.
INFO - __main__ (12:35:22.567) - MainThread (3720):
Starting NVDA version 2024.3.1 x86
INFO - core.main (12:35:22.887) - MainThread (3720):
Config dir: C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda
INFO - config.ConfigManager._loadConfig (12:35:22.904) - MainThread (3720):
Loading config: C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\nvda.ini
INFO - core.main (12:35:26.448) - MainThread (3720):
Windows version: Windows 10 22H2 (10.0.19045) workstation AMD64
INFO - core.main (12:35:26.449) - MainThread (3720):
Using Python version 3.11.9 (tags/v3.11.9:de54cf5, Apr 2 2024, 10:00:00) [MSC v.1938 32 bit (Intel)]
INFO - core.main (12:35:26.449) - MainThread (3720):
Using comtypes version 1.2.0
INFO - core.main (12:35:26.461) - MainThread (3720):
Using configobj version 5.1.0 with validate version 1.0.1
ERROR - addonHandler.Addon.completeInstall (12:35:26.617) - MainThread (3720):
Failed to complete addon installation for reportPasswords
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "addonHandler__init__.pyc", line 552, in completeInstall
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Acceso denegado: 'C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\reportPasswords.pendingInstall' -> 'C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\reportPasswords'
INFO - synthDriverHandler.setSynth (12:35:27.759) - MainThread (3720):
Loaded synthDriver ibmeci
WARNING - mathPres.initialize (12:35:27.790) - MainThread (3720):
MathPlayer 4 not available
INFO - core._setUpWxApp (12:35:28.271) - MainThread (3720):
Using wx version 4.2.2a1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.2.4 with six version 1.16.0
INFO - brailleInput.initialize (12:35:28.290) - MainThread (3720):
Braille input initialized
INFO - braille.initialize (12:35:28.290) - MainThread (3720):
Using liblouis version 3.30.0
INFO - braille.initialize (12:35:28.290) - MainThread (3720):
Using pySerial version 3.5
INFO - braille.BrailleHandler._setDisplay (12:35:28.302) - MainThread (3720):
Loaded braille display driver 'noBraille', current display has 0 cells.
INFO - core.main (12:35:28.981) - MainThread (3720):
Java Access Bridge support initialized
INFO - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThreadFunc (12:35:29.457) - UIAHandler.UIAHandler.MTAThread (3056):
UIAutomation: IUIAutomation6
WARNING - gui.__getattr__ (12:35:29.983) - MainThread (3720):
Importing SettingsPanel from here is deprecated. Import SettingsPanel from gui.settingsDialogs instead.
Stack trace:
File "nvda.pyw", line 469, in <module>
File "core.pyc", line 799, in main
File "globalPluginHandler.pyc", line 29, in initialize
File "globalPluginHandler.pyc", line 22, in listPlugins
File "importlib__init__.pyc", line 126, in import_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1204, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 13, in <module>
from gui import SettingsPanel, NVDASettingsDialog, guiHelper
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1229, in _handle_fromlist
File "gui__init__.pyc", line 110, in __getattr__
WARNING - gui.__getattr__ (12:35:29.986) - MainThread (3720):
Importing SettingsPanel from here is deprecated. Import SettingsPanel from gui.settingsDialogs instead.
Stack trace:
File "nvda.pyw", line 469, in <module>
File "core.pyc", line 799, in main
File "globalPluginHandler.pyc", line 29, in initialize
File "globalPluginHandler.pyc", line 22, in listPlugins
File "importlib__init__.pyc", line 126, in import_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1204, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 13, in <module>
from gui import SettingsPanel, NVDASettingsDialog, guiHelper
File "gui__init__.pyc", line 110, in __getattr__
INFO - core.main (12:35:30.225) - MainThread (3720):
NVDA initialized
INFO - external:globalPlugins.remoteClient.GlobalPlugin.on_connected_as_slave (12:35:32.484) - MainThread (3720):
Control connector connected
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:36:13.774) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5027604000060819 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:36:13.898) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.6268952999962494 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:36:25.773) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001769000082277 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:36:26.908) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.6340604000142775 seconds.
ERROR - NVDAObjects.behaviors.LiveText._monitor (12:39:00.347) - EnhancedLegacyWinConsole._monitorThread (12660):
Error getting initial text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "NVDAObjects\behaviors.pyc", line 422, in _monitor
File "NVDAObjects\window\winConsole.pyc", line 72, in _getText
File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 129, in getConsoleVisibleLines
File "wincon.pyc", line 77, in GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
OSError: [WinError 6] Controlador no válido.
ERROR - NVDAObjects.behaviors.LiveText._monitor (12:39:13.808) - EnhancedLegacyWinConsole._monitorThread (11876):
Error getting initial text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "NVDAObjects\behaviors.pyc", line 422, in _monitor
File "NVDAObjects\window\winConsole.pyc", line 72, in _getText
File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 129, in getConsoleVisibleLines
File "wincon.pyc", line 77, in GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
OSError: [WinError 6] Controlador no válido.
ERROR - NVDAObjects.behaviors.LiveText._monitor (12:39:59.307) - EnhancedLegacyWinConsole._monitorThread (8504):
Error getting initial text
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "NVDAObjects\behaviors.pyc", line 422, in _monitor
File "NVDAObjects\window\winConsole.pyc", line 72, in _getText
File "winConsoleHandler.pyc", line 129, in getConsoleVisibleLines
File "wincon.pyc", line 77, in GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
OSError: [WinError 6] Controlador no válido.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:45:54.632) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5002019999665208 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:45:56.442) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 2.310193099954631 seconds.
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (12:46:09.665) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2146233083, None, (None, None, None, 0, None))
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (12:46:09.908) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2146233083, None, (None, None, None, 0, None))
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (12:46:09.914) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2146233083, None, (None, None, None, 0, None))
ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (12:46:10.515) - MainThread (3720):
error executing event: selection on <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible object at 0x08B04770> with extra args of {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 345, in executeEvent
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 116, in __init__
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 125, in next
File "NVDAObjects__init__.pyc", line 1260, in event_selection
File "baseObject.pyc", line 62, in __get__
File "baseObject.pyc", line 168, in _getPropertyViaCache
File "NVDAObjects\UIA__init__.pyc", line 2115, in _get_controllerFor
File "NVDAObjects\UIA__init__.pyc", line 987, in _getUIACacheablePropertyValue
_ctypes.COMError: (-2146233083, None, (None, None, None, 0, None))
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:46:26.435) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5002049999893643 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (12:46:26.555) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.6207091999822296 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:00:21.835) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001797000295483 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:00:22.103) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.7681450000382029 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:21:02.195) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5002061999985017 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:21:04.197) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 2.5024637000169605 seconds.
ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (13:22:03.953) - MainThread (3720):
error executing event: typedCharacter on <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_EditableTextWithAutoSelectDetectionUIA object at 0x009F7530> with extra args of {'ch': '\r'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 345, in executeEvent
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 116, in __init__
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 125, in next
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 103, in event_typedCharacter
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 93, in play1
File "nvwave.pyc", line 697, in playWaveFile
File "nvwave.pyc", line 958, in stop
File "_ctypes/callproc.c", line 1000, in GetResult
OSError: [WinError -2004287477] Windows Error 0x8889000b
ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (13:22:22.464) - MainThread (3720):
error executing event: typedCharacter on <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_EditableTextWithAutoSelectDetectionUIA object at 0x009F7530> with extra args of {'ch': '\r'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 345, in executeEvent
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 116, in __init__
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 125, in next
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 103, in event_typedCharacter
File "C:\Users\Nerea salguero\AppData\Roaming\nvda\addons\navSounds\globalPlugins\NavigationSounds__init__.py", line 93, in play1
File "nvwave.pyc", line 697, in playWaveFile
File "nvwave.pyc", line 958, in stop
File "_ctypes/callproc.c", line 1000, in GetResult
OSError: [WinError -2004287477] Windows Error 0x8889000b
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:27:01.477) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5003438000567257 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:27:01.669) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.6952512000571005 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:27:50.539) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001761000021361 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:27:51.471) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.4319751000148244 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:28:23.429) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001764000044204 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:28:23.798) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8696724000037648 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:28:53.050) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001736000413075 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:28:53.926) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3753342000418343 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:10.830) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.500172600033693 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:11.705) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3746703999931924 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:26.270) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001765000051819 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:27.136) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3664611999993213 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:45.254) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5002056000521407 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:29:46.080) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3252756000147201 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:03.617) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001744999899529 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:04.489) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3721260000020266 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:20.930) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001720000291243 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:21.602) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.1674375000293367 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:39.531) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001736999838613 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:40.480) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.4493609999772161 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:49.687) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001659999834374 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:30:50.567) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.379564200004097 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:31:30.392) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001786999637261 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:31:30.891) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.9993012999766506 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:31:42.648) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001750999945216 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:31:43.601) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.4529815999558195 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:32:49.759) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001737999846227 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:32:50.844) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.585866299981717 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:10.165) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5039583999896422 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:10.637) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.9765550999436527 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:36.762) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001704000169411 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:37.774) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.512199699995108 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:47.610) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001890999847092 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:33:48.665) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.5547434999607503 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:34:06.419) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001721000298858 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:34:07.428) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.5091531000216492 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:34:13.471) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001712999655865 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:34:14.483) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.5120741999708116 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:55:02.803) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001694000093266 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:55:03.200) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8971501999767497 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:55:46.006) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001716000260785 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:55:46.276) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.7711158000165597 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:56:04.289) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001723000314087 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:56:04.659) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8700559000135399 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:56:13.354) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001725000329316 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:56:13.671) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8172684000455774 seconds.
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (13:57:15.877) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2147220991, 'Un evento no pudo invocar a ninguno de los subscriptores', (None, None, None, 0, None))
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (13:57:15.883) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2147220991, 'Un evento no pudo invocar a ninguno de los subscriptores', (None, None, None, 0, None))
ERROR - comtypes._comobject.call_without_this (13:57:15.887) - Dummy-7 (10432):
Exception in IUIAutomationEventHandler.HandleAutomationEvent implementation:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "comtypes_comobject.pyc", line 154, in call_without_this
File "UIAHandler__init__.pyc", line 742, in IUIAutomationEventHandler_HandleAutomationEvent
File "comtypes__init__.pyc", line 349, in __getattr__
_ctypes.COMError: (-2147220991, 'Un evento no pudo invocar a ninguno de los subscriptores', (None, None, None, 0, None))
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:57:33.902) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001635000226088 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:57:34.755) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.353913700033445 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:57:57.125) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001723999739625 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (13:57:57.997) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.3715886999852955 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:21:00.096) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001936000189744 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:21:00.204) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.6073558999923989 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:36:50.890) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001637999666855 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:36:51.240) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8498999999719672 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:37:23.564) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.50017429998843 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:37:23.616) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.5509107999969274 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:37:29.130) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.500166599988006 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:37:29.184) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.5710725999670103 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:49:41.414) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5002011000178754 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (14:49:42.898) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.9835690000327304 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (15:57:10.585) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.5001694999518804 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (15:57:10.923) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 0.8371519999927841 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (17:02:31.874) - watchdog (9872):
Starting freeze recovery after 0.500178899965249 seconds.
INFO - watchdog.waitForFreezeRecovery (17:02:33.362) - watchdog (9872):
Recovered from freeze after 1.988687300006859 seconds.

Score: +0

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