Statistics: 1000 miles

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General game statistics of 1000 miles

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 8 671 (6.83%) 118 252 (93.17%) 126 923 (0.84%)
English 1 498 385 (22.78%) 5 079 250 (77.22%) 6 577 635 (43.29%)
Español 475 635 (18.81%) 2 052 788 (81.19%) 2 528 423 (16.64%)
Français 305 707 (12.96%) 2 052 461 (87.04%) 2 358 168 (15.52%)
Italiano 97 689 (9.55%) 925 241 (90.45%) 1 022 930 (6.73%)
Português 556 473 (25.65%) 1 613 196 (74.35%) 2 169 669 (14.28%)
русский 25 362 (7.23%) 325 536 (92.77%) 350 898 (2.31%)
Srpski 15 371 (28.4%) 38 759 (71.6%) 54 130 (0.36%)
Total 2 983 295 (19.64%) 12 205 496 (80.36%) 15 188 791

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games3 342 768841.85 89225 253307 447
Rounds15 193 6123 82626 782114 7801 397 414
Rounds in finished games11 596 5572 92020 44187 6061 066 579

Approximatively 76.33% of the games are played to their end, while 23.67% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. joel: 68 409 rounds played
  2. ronph: 60 994 rounds played
  3. picasso-pablo: 60 724 rounds played
  4. tourterelle: 57 115 rounds played
  5. murray.r: 56 988 rounds played
  6. mahir-kerimov: 56 968 rounds played
  7. dusuneninsan: 49 371 rounds played
  8. luisfernandes27: 47 692 rounds played
  9. lematou17: 46 131 rounds played
  10. kayodo: 44 420 rounds played
  11. juvepersempre: 42 957 rounds played
  12. neandertalecgame: 41 761 rounds played
  13. delipoyraz: 40 992 rounds played
  14. silviayotto: 40 864 rounds played
  15. liiss: 40 630 rounds played
  16. Butterfly925: 37 472 rounds played
  17. mariabatistabraga: 36 303 rounds played
  18. geaigeaizenn: 36 176 rounds played
  19. bouchon: 36 160 rounds played
  20. mamidan: 35 236 rounds played
  21. thanhson2002: 35 070 rounds played
  22. tigresse: 34 190 rounds played
  23. iuli45: 33 588 rounds played
  24. bruna1971: 32 930 rounds played
  25. miriam: 32 783 rounds played
  26. silveriomorais: 32 330 rounds played
  27. mestre: 32 230 rounds played
  28. lebaroudeur: 31 496 rounds played
  29. bugati: 30 891 rounds played
  30. DerekDelhenty: 30 796 rounds played

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