dog vs cats

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1. chameleon,

i like both but i like cats better but if i have a cat it better be nice

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2. TheDreamer,

I prefer cats more than dogs because they are lazy like me xd

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3. supanut2000,

If between the 2 I prefer dogs since when they bite it don't hurt as much as being scrached by a cat.

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4. Mohammedradwan2003,

no, dogs need lots of cares and depend on you, so no

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5. Emerald,

Meow everyone.

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6. TheDreamer,


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7. aims,

woof woof

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8. StormProductions,

Meow here. Cats forever.

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9. dragonoid,


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10. phoenix009,

Woof here. Dogs for life.

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11. aims,

yes yes I love dogs :)

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12. Emerald,

You should like cats.

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13. aims,

or hamsters

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14. TheDreamer,

Horses? :P

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15. Emerald,

Yeah and pigs/sheep’s/cows/farm animals.

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16. chameleon,

how about fish?

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17. Northstrider,

bats are the best. tiny blood suckers.

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18. TheDreamer,

up the spiders

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19. Emerald,

Wooo what a change there!!! I’m going to suggest dragons?

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20. chameleon,

thanks for your infow

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21. dragonoid,

hey emerald cat, good one, I vote on dragons too

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22. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I like cats because they're more independent and they don't seem to require constant attention from their owners.

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23. spaceship,

Same, I like cats for the same reason.

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24. choco,

dogs and cats are best pet animals but, they are the worse when they fight:d. its better to keep both as pets at home lol.

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25. Ninety-Nine ,

This might sound something against the discussion but i like neither of them :). Or probably I don't like them because I'm afraid of animals but that's another story. Hate it when they come closer and act weird lol. Anyways, enjoy with your cats and dogs!

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26. Emerald,

Never seen cat and dog fight. Only cat fights which can be scary. Kittenplay fight is cute

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27. Epic_Krrish,

who let the dogs out?

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28. phoenix_rising,

Oh, dogs for ever. I like both, specially on these times. My cat has died, someone killed my cat and I don't know who, I loved her but well. I don't want to have more cats as pet because there are any cats like my beautiful Tango. But dogs play a lot, that is a characteristic I love.

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29. goodboy,

I like cats more because they are not too dependent on their owner and do not need much care, but dogs are also dependent on their owner and love their owner like their family. This is not bad either.

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Ultima edizione da goodboy, 12.04.2022 21:55:01

30. unolover,

i like both

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