dog vs cats

36 messaggi, 2 pagine:  12 ↖ Torna alla lista degli argomenti

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31. Mohammedradwan2003,

i helt a dog last nigh and found that they are so big, so no, never, especially that they have teeth, so yeah another no, when I put my hands on them I feel I was scratched or something.

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32. Vojvoda,

The last answer is a troll, right?

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33. Mohammedradwan2003,

no, it is not ment to be trolling

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34. broken-heart ,

i thing cats are better, they are cute then mad dogs

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35. RomanReigns,

i have allergy with cats and I have a pet dog so I like dogs, they are more friendly, faithfull, and trust worthy

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36. KittyCat15,

I am kind of mixed on cats and dogs actually. they both have unique qualities, so not sure. how about lions. ahahah

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