1000 Miles tournament - 3 PM CET - October Playroom World cup edition quarterfinal draw now available (~LabelDone~)

36 сообщений, 2 страниц:  12 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

счёт: +8

31. Ayham-44,

HhiMy name is Ayham. I am from Iraq. Please register me with you

счёт: +0

32. Nikola,

Hello all,
thank you very much for your registrations!

As usual, the group stage draw is finished today. For this tournament, there were 18 registrations possible to accept. We took 16, and 2 are on the standby list. This gives us a simple standard format:
In the group stage, you play against everybody else, meaning that you have 3 games to play in total. Once it finishes, top 2 people from each group advance to the quarterfinals. In case two people have the same amount of wins, the deciding factor will be the total sum of all of their scores in the three games they played.

Here are the groups, keeping in mind that the first person is the table master:

Group 1:

  1. Vojvoda,
  2. Ibraheemmohsen,
  3. Abdulmajeed,
  4. Aims.

Group 2:

  1. Negaar,
  2. Mohammedradwan2003,
  3. Blaise,
  4. GodSaveTheQueen.

Group 3:

  1. Golden,
  2. Paulius,
  3. mr_psychology,
  4. RoyMunson.

Group 4:

  1. rockstar2013,
  2. kaido,
  3. mohammadabdulwahab,
  4. Aurel.

Good luck!

счёт: +1

Последнее изменение Nikola, 26.10.2023 17:50:30

33. glad,

I have also registered earlier. It might had gon to previous page. I could not sea my name in the tables. Pleaze check. Thank you.

счёт: +0

34. gemmi,

@aayushi your name is in the waiting list, perhaps.

счёт: +0

35. glad,

many people have registered more so idk the names are in two pages I guess that might have caused the confusion.

счёт: +0

36. Nikola,

Hello all,
we have concluded the group stage today.

Very important: The CET timezone moves one hour back on Sunday morning, which means that if your time zone also changes, nothing will be different. However, if not, the tournament will start 1 hour earlier for you, or 1 hour later, if your timezone already went 1 hour back before Sunday. The link to check your time has been updated, and is completely accurate, so you can always verify your time here.

Here are the quarterfinal draws:

  1. Ileto VS mohammadabdulwahab,
  2. Cristina VS kaido,
  3. Mohammedradwan2003 VS RoyMunson,
  4. Nikola VS Paulius.

Good luck!

счёт: +2

36 сообщений, 2 страниц:  12 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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