One thousand miles tournament

42 сообщений, 2 страниц:  12 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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31. Suyog,

count me inn

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32. Suman,

i also want to join this tournament

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33. gamer_lucky,

count me

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34. OrsoNero ,

I would like to participate

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35. candyqueen,

Hey guys, to all who were already registered and were participating, I am sooo sorry things went into chaos. I literally lost all the data, and people were leaving randomly after the first round. Would anyone be interested in a restart with a different way of doing this? I am thinking same rules, four groups of four with two teams, but when I tell you your groups please don't start until I say, and only the ones who are originally in can still participate. I am trying to make it fair because of the flaws that happened.

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36. eathan,

still even in it? A list of participants was never even announced. Or at least as far as I saw it never was.

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37. Emerald,

Aw donn’t worry. Mistakes happen. If you can make it more organised I’d join.

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38. ziniur,

Don't worry, everything is OK. I'd be joining as well. Anyway, 1st round I had was really nice - let's continue this journey! :-)

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39. candyqueen,

OK, great. would everyone be down for tomorrow? I am going to go now and create groups for all of those interested and let's plan for tomorrow at 11:00 CDT. I would really like everyone at the free table at least 15 minutes before in case anyone has any questions or anything

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40. GoldenHorizon,

fine. i'll participate

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41. Chocolate-Icecream ,

i also want to participate i don't know what actually happend with our group but it literally messed up

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42. barbi ,

ok i will partcipate

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42 сообщений, 2 страниц:  12 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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