suggestion to add pre-moves in cribbage

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1. sky360,

Hello! the subject says it all, when we are counting our hands in cribbage, even though its not our turn, we should be able to optionally pre enter the points of our hand, and when our turn comes, it should automatically considered what we have entered. we can say it is kind of like making pre moves in chess. yes, we can enter during our turn, but it will be good to have an automated process like this and save a few milly seconds. I am sorry if this suggestion feels silly, please try to digest it if it does so. if it is worth, do consider it

счёт: +1

2. Zelon,

yeah totally agree

счёт: +0

3. Nikola,

the only problem I see with this is that it will essentially make the time limit option completely pointless.

Normally, the timer is supposed to run while you are counting, but if you pre-enter your points, then there is no purpose.
So as I see it, this could work only in games with no time limit.

счёт: +2

4. sky360,

@ nikola even though there is time limit, we can count our hand while the person before us is still counting. so we already no our hands worth and can enter instently when our turn comes. your point is valid if we were not able to count our hand during the time when the person before us is counting. if we already know the hand's worth even before time starts, what's the point in considering the time.

счёт: +1

5. YNWA,

I find this proposal disrespectful of your opponent. It is obvious there are many times you already know your score when you are 3rd, 4th or even 5th in line before you are asked to type in your score but you should not put in your score in ahead of the others. I can see situations in the last round when people type in their score, knowing they will not win, leave the game while others are trying to work out their score and costing someone the win because of being distracted.

If you wish to change things then perhaps an option should be everybody at the end of the round gets to type in their score at the same time? The time could be set to 30 seconds for all players in that game.

счёт: +0

6. Aminiel,


This is anyway not doable, for the simple reason that scores have to be counted one after the other in order.

When playing in real life, you may of course perfectly count your hand in your head, but in any case you must announce it only when it's your turn, never before.
Otherwise it's completely wrong and possibly rude.

Remember that, originally, the game is played with pegs advancing on a board, and if a player reaches 121, then it's immediately over, next players don't count their hand at all.
It's also made on purpose that the player owning the cribe goes last.

счёт: +3

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