sound skins for playroom?

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1. Gnome,

hello. it would be cool if we could build sound skins for the playroom. to replace the current sounds with our own cool themes, compile them into a file which qc could read from, and seamlessly switch to any skin from within the client. additionally, we should be able to add ambiences to various different tables like main room, free table, uno, monopoly, etc etc. so if the main skin doesn't want to provide ambiences for the same, they could just drop in silent sound files and we could replace them.

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2. godfather,

The sound skin thing was suggested, I believe, before, and it was possible to do until the sounds were encrypted. I understand the reason for this decision, however, of course, but it would be cool if we could still customize them. Also, the ambience idea is one I really like, to be honest. An ambient background sound would be really nice, and you could switch it up anytime, like a constant audio stream.

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3. Jim_pickens,

yeah, good idea pool

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4. aims,

agreed, this would be nice

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5. Quintin-D,

What was the reason for the decision? I don't understand.

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6. majoz,

Hello, personally I think it's a beautifull idea, as I've seen already some soundpacks spinning around here and in my opinion, it was fun to play using them. What about setting up a team of soundpack approvers which would browse all the sounds, try out every game and if the pack's sounds are all enough appropriate, this team could post it on a special section of qcsalon page where we could then download those packs from. About the musical themes, I am also up for them. Playroom used to have a general music in all the games, and I miss it a lot. I'd be glad if it could return, or if we could have individual music soundtracks for each game, as mentioned. A big thumbs up!

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7. StormProductions,

Totally, and definitely agreed. Not sure if someone remembers my soundpack I created in the days when the sounds weren't encrypted. Would definitely love to bring it back if such a feature would be implemented. Great idea!

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8. lucy_light,

Yes, I miss that pack. I could do the trick and get it back, but it is far too complicated, unnecessary and I think it won't be suitable for all the new features. Having a list of themes at choice would be something great, as it would make the platform more attractive.

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9. kaiba,

In reference to this topic, I wasn't in playroom when it had music playing in the background all the time, but I was able to listen to it and it's really, really great. I even sometimes play it with a music player while playing. I hope it comes back one day, or there will at least be user customization. Whether he wants to play music or not, thanks

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10. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Agree. I think it is possible to implement a feature that lets you add your own sounds without defecting encryption. Which may work like this: Shows you a list of available sounds and a button where you can replace it with your own. At anytime you can just click return to default, which will then download the encrypted sounds data from QCG website and paste it into the folder.

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11. horse,

The problem with doing this is that sounds are used in more than one context, so a sound might work in one game but not another. Also sometimes sounds are pitched up or down, adding another layer of complexity.
If this feature were to be inplimented, it would likely be via a local import soundpack button since the developer would not want to host these on his storage and he wouldn't want to link to any external sites either. But the client currently has no functionality with the user's file system beyond saving logs, so that wouldn't be possible right now.

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12. ernie96,

i use my own sounds by deleting the encrypted ones, but i lose on the navigation sounds and such.

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13. Nikola,

don't delete the sounds. You lose a lot more than the interface sounds by doing that, the most notable being that you will make many Duck racing challenges unplayable.

In general, be careful with such advice, and keep in mind that there are many people who aren't so good with technology. You and me know that we can just reinstall the client and restore the original sounds, but the average user will think that there is now a bug and the musical challenges in Duck racing don't make any sounds anymore.

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Последнее изменение Nikola, 02.10.2024 01:00:02

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