Welcome, we hope that you will add some of the games that I will mention in this message. First, the Ludo game. Second, the Snakes and Ladders game. Third, the fighting and weapons collection game. Fourth, we hope that you will add the Arabic language. Fifth, we hope that you will add an application for the Android operating system. Sixth, we hope that you will add the x o game.
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Последнее изменение Snake_Eyes, 27.11.2024 13:36:25
2. glad,
x and o is not fun we are just fliping over x and os and so snakes and ladder in that the dies only does the trick nothing we can do. its not possible now to make different apps anyway web version works fine. ludo is similar to backgammon don't think so they will add this one. and battel games and weapen collection is just impossible. Thanks for reading its my view.
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Последнее изменение glad, 27.11.2024 14:46:33
3. dhegwork-adakly,
I DON'T think anything you mentioned will be added. Maybe only the Arabic language could be.
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Последнее изменение dhegwork-adakly, 27.11.2024 14:49:57
4. Aminiel,
It's very easy to say please do this and that. First of all, remember that I'm alone developing the playroom, and that the playroom is entirely free of charge for you and developed in my spare time. It implies that 1/I can't do everything I would like to do, and 2/I have no orders to receive from anyone on what I should do. Sorry, but your list more looks like an order than a list of kindly made suggestions.
To give a quick answer on your different points:
Ludo: why not, maybe one day, but it isn't on the top of my to do list
Snakes and ladders: it would be a press enter game and so it's definitively rejected
I don't know this game, so I can't say anything about it
Adding a new language is a lot of work to maintain in a long run. As already said many times, if you can mount a team of motivated translators, we could add any language, but we won't start any new translation project on our own.
Making a mobile app is a lot of work, and sadly, I don't have neither the time, nor the knowledge, nor the required material, nor the finance to start such a project. We might open a discussion if you can come up with something to get it started seriously, though.
If you mean tic tac toe, no, it's a too simplistic game to have an entry on its own. But it might be a ducks race challenge.
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5. Mohammedradwan2003,
I believe many people have offered to add the Arabic language but no one gave it the serious work it deserves, including who have the capacity to do so.
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6. browneye,
sudoku or kakuro maybe? they're singleplayer though.
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Последнее изменение browneye, 29.11.2024 14:32:52
7. davidhs1200,
and maybe bingo or go fishh
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8. glad,
I think go fish is good. May be in future they might consider it.
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9. Aminiel,
To answer your last messages:
Go fish: this name tells me something, we have probably already talked about it a few times before
Sudoku: things are gently changing concerning solitaire/solo games / solo puzzles. It is no longer totally excluded.
Bingo: it would be a press enter game, it's a totally random game, and it is completely pointless if you don't play for money and/or prizes. This makes three reasons against it, isn't that enough?
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10. Nikola,
Hello, for reference, we discussed Go fish in this topic, and Blaise gave some useful information there.
for Bingo, it depends how you do it really. The classic variant where you just need all numbers to win is indeed not very fun, you don't have much to do. The other variant is more interesting, I don't know the specific name, but basically you can win a bingo either vertically, diagonally, or horizontally. It's also nothing particularly groundbreaking mechanics wise, but I think it's an interesting way to introduce people to grid based games and here, you are supposed to follow the board and notice as soon as possible when you have the appropriate line. Of course, the fundamentals of the game still remain completely random, but at least you have to pay some attention to notice a victory as soon as possible.
There are ways to make it more fun, by using the virtual chips concept of Black jack and keeping track of how much you won/lost over time, we can imagine that you bet each time you play, simulating buying a ticket.
Overall I understand if it's still completely refused, but for me Bingo does have a little more value than the other dice games typically suggested.
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11. davidhs1200,
@9 Okay, but I didn't know that.
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12. Emerald,
With bingo the way we played in school was that someone chose a number and hoped no one had it since we diddn’t have a way to make it random. This could make it a bit more manual as you would have to pay attention to the number being called. Of course would have to make a system so that you couldn’t have cheated but basically at the start, you write where you want the numbers in the grids. then wait to have it called out. A player could type a number in a field and then you would have 30 seconds to mark it with a chip or less to make it challenging. Alternative versions could be of braille cells racing against time to put them marked. I don’t know if this makes sense at all.