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1. YNWA,

I was thinking last night when I should be sleeping what if we had Uno as a team game? it would work exactly the same way as Dominoes works in teams. Say for example we had 2 players reprisenting team A and 2 players representing team B. If one of the players won from Team A then both cards totals from team b will be added together giving the score for team B. Team A would not loose any points even if one of the players from team had a higher total in cards than team B put together.

I think with plus 2 and plus 4's it will be interesting as you would try to help your partner adding tactics to the game.


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2. basket,

I definitely agree with this. It would make the game even more interesting and increase its popularity.

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3. wolfi,

yes yes yes this is awesome

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4. Cristina ,

it's a good idea.
But on the other hand, maybe slow uno players or who has bad connection will be avoided to be invited, just cause maybe few people would want to team up with them.

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5. YNWA,

there are bots! The time to worry is when bots refuse to play with you because you take too long. Being serious that could be part of the challenge winning with a slow partner. Like cribbage it could be possible to have say 3 or 4 players on each team so that would equal itself out.

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6. fire-starter,


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7. kraljpetar ,

I must agree really great idea

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8. Raki,

Love this idea.
Just thinking out lowd, couldn't we even make it so several teams compete in the same game?
Lets say there's 10 players playing, we can do it so we have 5 teams of 2 players all playing against each other.

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Последнее изменение Raki, 05.12.2015 12:17:13

9. YNWA,

Good idea but will have to think of the lagistics. In this suggestion it is your oponent that you are giving pick up 2 cards too with multiple teams will it be only one team picking up the cards? It could still work but lets see how two teams go first.

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10. BhavyaShah ,

Sounds like a great idea!

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11. Riad,

I really loved the idea! Too interesting I guess!

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