6 takes tournament results (coffee, music, birthday cake and #12)

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1. balasana ,

Hi all,
Please join me to congratulate Mayank for successfully defending his title during the second 6takes tournament on June 10, 2017. The day happened to be magicalkrish's birthday! Happy belated birthday Krish.
Mayank played during the final against the same challenger from the 1st tournament, imthechampraki. While last time Mayank scored an absolute victory of 23-76, this time, even by the start of the last round, the winner was anything but determined--raki led with 76-78. Unfortunately Raki's previously unknown phobia, the fear of number 12, cost him the game at the very end. Mayank, as usual, danced around the cliff with great finesse, and secured his 6-point win, 79-85. To Raki's credit, before facing Mayank on the final, he defeated myself and magicalkrish, two of the most experienced 6takes players on PR, during quarter-final and semi-final rounds. Great job guys!
20 players signed up for the competition, 3 others agreed to be on standby, and 2 more were pulled to replace at the last moment. We set a new 6takes tournament record in participation!! We'd like to thank all of you for your kind support!
On the tournament day , we had a few hiccups at the beginning. We struggled to locate the last-minute replacements, causing one group game to delay by as much as 45 minutes! Yet our players showed amazing patience and understanding. There was no complaints whatsoever. our heart-felt appreciation goes to you guys!
Our thanks also go to magicalkrish and undertaker, who did a great job managing the tables during the tournament.
The team have learned a lot this time, from player recruiting all the way to tournament day logistics. For example, 6takes does not work as a marathon, and next time we will split the tournament into two days instead.
Last but not least, I'd like to thank my two amazing partners, Raki and Mayank. My decision to organize the tournament alone has proven to be a rash one. It was you guys' experience, kindness and hard work that prevented disasters, and gave me a smooth ride for my very first time as a PR tournament organizer.
It is my hope that more and more players will attempt 6takes, and grow to love the strategic challenge it presents. I'd love to see more of you next time!

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Последнее изменение balasana , 11.06.2017 21:47:55

2. Sevrior,

Cheers for a smooth tournament. I quite enjoyed my brief participation in it. :) Next time I'll practice a bit first.

Very well done on making it a smooth and enjoyable experience.

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3. Epic_Krrish,

Congratulations Mayank,

Great job man! and nice work Raki to be in the finals.

The results shows it was a hard and tough match.

All in all I enjoyed the tournament and thank you to the organisers to giving us another chance to test the level of understanding for the 6 takes.

Once again congratulations to the winner!


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Последнее изменение Epic_Krrish, 12.06.2017 00:34:20

4. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Congratulations Mayank, and pretty good also Raki, have a good luck next time. It was enjoyable to watch!

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5. Raki,

You really had to rub it in with that "12"? haha.
Thank you all for joining and making it a very enjoyable tournament.
Congrats Mayank! I'll get you next time...

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6. Angelina-princess,

Congratulations Mayank! & well done tournament with the hard work of the organisers .
I was really enjoyable & this is the first time I'd played 6takes seriously even though I'm not a finesse player. I had participated this tournament just simple that I like 6takes & wanna experient the logicalness of myself. :)
Congratulations again & hope to see the next tournament soon. Cheers!

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7. Exink,

Congratulations Mayank and Raki! And while certainly my participation time was as long as a 0,1 inches paper strip, I enjoied the tournament as well!
Hopefully we can make more tournaments just like this! Kind regards.

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8. Mayank ,

Thanks a lot, everyone. :)

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9. Exink,

Oh sorry, but Everyone hasn't commented on this post. :D I'm jocking!

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10. His-girlfriend ,

Con gratulations Mayank and you should thank me in a special way cause you must realise, that if I could take part in that tournament you could be only second... :P

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