some suggestions for the platform.

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1. sweet_selena_2000,

hi. I very love this game platform, thanks admins. and now I will share with all users and admins, my new suggestions and new games for here. firstly, player profiles: there the people can writes information about them, date of birth, country, them age and other. next, the new game with name pick. I so it in rs games, and I thing it's interesting game. admins, if you can't find rules about this game, I will try to find it. my next suggestion: new dice games. and new cards games. I am waiting for admin's answers, and for answers from people. who knows something or has a suggestions. regards!
hi. my suggestion is:

notifications if in the forum g has a new topic, all users to has notifications in them inboxes. it's very nice and I thing it will be interest and funn. thanks, and, have fun!

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Последнее изменение sweet_selena_2000, 26.03.2014 22:55:38

2. Daredevil,

Player profile is not a good idea for the Playroom onlybecause some are like 11 or 12 years old and could be a target for older users.

Just because You saw a game on another platform doesn't mean Playroom should include it as well. In my opinion, Playroom is way better than RS only because
Playroom has more games than them and plus Admins on here are more helpful than RS.

Just one tip for You, You've misspelled thing, it's think not thing. A thing is different to think. Example: You wrote I thing it could be interest, it'sting not I thing it could be interest.

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3. sweet_selena_2000,


don't command me!
playroom is good, very good, rs games is ... so bad platform!

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4. stanito2000 ,

I am thinking, that the both gaming online platforms are good, in rs can't there's not very games, but there's a voice chatting, in quentin c there's more games, but not voice chat. And yes, we wants a new game with dies!

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5. miguelpacheco ,

Well, i think that it would be good to have a voice chat in the playroom too, so the users would avoid to give his skype to other users. Of course, with security options for no have problems. Thanks!

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6. dalglish7 ,

Lugia you have made mistakes too as we all do if you check your previous post!

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7. Raki,

First of all, Lugia, just because you’re an Australian, and your native language is English, does not mean everyone else’s first language is English, for some people English is there second, or even third language, so eas off being a grammar Nazi, thanks.

Second, I like the profile idea, this is a place for gaming; but it's also a place where people meet new people from all around the world.
Country, gender, age, and a brief description would be cool.
People should just simply not fill in parts that they don't feel comfortable with.

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8. afrim,

Hello, I think that the disscription for the profile player is not so much necessary. In the discription I include informations about countries, gender, age and even more, but this can even be a target for the other to insult a player on the platform. All I would suggest for this platform is more active admins, and any organized tournament held occasionally by the admins of playroom. It would be great, in my opinion.

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Последнее изменение afrim, 01.09.2014 17:19:10

9. Aminiel,


  • About presence/support, we are trying to find a solution; it's not easy and it will take a long time, be patient.
  • About tournaments, we already don't have enough time to add all the features we would like to, and to be as present as we should, so we probably shouldn't get into that ourselves. However, I encourage regular players to organize such tournaments. IN the french playroom, a few regular players do it once a month or every other month, and it has quite a good success. We organized some special big events, like the upcoming one for the 4th anniversary, or the mass blind test we did for the 2nd anniversary, but tournaments of uno, scopa, poker, etc. have always been organized by regular players themselves.
  • For profiles, the suggestion isn't new. We never discussed it seriously in the team about what it should or shouldn't be. There are pros and cons, we must design such a feature carefully if we decide to do it. We haven't decided yet if we are going to do something in that direction or not.

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Последнее изменение Aminiel, 01.09.2014 18:15:05

10. afrim,

Thank you for your reply. In fact, I am patient, and I do wait for replies from admins, but I just suggested it, and about the tournaments, I don't consider it as something to be urgently created and not even finding people from your staff to do that, those can be organized by our friends, but it would be very exciting and much interesting tournament in a game organized by your staff itself, anyway, it is not a feature to be added necessarily.
Thank you for your reply and good working.

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11. Raki,

Hi Aminiel,

How did the blind test you were talking about work?

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12. Aminiel,

How did the blind test you were talking about work?

We had a radio server to comment the event in direct, and a special kind of table especially made for the event. The tabe allowed the players to enter their answers, and us to launch the songs and easily give points. More than 50 players were playing at the same time.

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13. Raki,

Sounds cool, but I guess you guys can only do these things on the French server?

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14. Aminiel,

Sounds cool, but I guess you guys can only do these things on the French server?

Technically no, but in real life yes, unfortunately. IN short, language barrier. None of us is sufficiently fluent in english to hold an event of that kind in optimal conditions for everyone.

It's the same for this friday's event for the 4th anniversary, it's quite hard to translate, and there are private jokes between us and french players that you english guys are not at all aware of. Sorry not to have english as our mother tongue.

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15. gaurasuryavanshi,

hi. first, it's my new account because the account which I was before is hacked. and lugia, I don't care of your opinion. the player profiles are good. and I think it's for voice chat is... good or bad. hmm, I think it's and bad, and good, because for this target, there are a lot of prrograms.. skype.. team talk and other. and yes playroom is ssoooo much better. rsgames is not good because there are a games, which qaren't interest, for me. playroom has a lot of interest games, and many other features, which rsgames will have never, maybe.

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16. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I agree with the playroom being better than RS Games because the playroom has many more options, you can change the sound card the program uses, there are way more games and the server has virtually no lag.
When I used to play RS, sometimes the server would wait a full 20 seconds before responding not to mention the fact that there was no "delete account" button on their web page.
I just felt I had to fight an uphill battle to get the admins to fix simple problems and add basic stuff that Quentin has already gone way out of his way to add.
The playroom also has a perfect web client that functions exactly like the desktop software.
Same keystrokes, same options and the same tab layout.
That must have taken you a long time to create let alone troubleshoot.
I will be sticking with this online gaming client for many years to come.

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17. gaurasuryavanshi,

yes I know the profile could be a target for other users, but if thesee users starting to offend some person, this person can ignore , blocked this user.

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18. Exink,

Hi guys,

I have been thinking in a new topic called "Some suggestions for enhancing the safety in the playroom", but I finally decided to post them here, because this topic still active, and these are:

*A characters search system more complex than the actual for avoiding cloning accounts: For instance, when a person enters a name for creating a new account, the system would look for it in the database, and if there is a username with the same structure of the new name account, the page would return a message like this: "Sorry, but there is a similar name in the database".

So, we could avoid too much problems with persons that are usurping to the others in all the playroom parts.

*A AI admin: I know that Aminiel has written something about it, It's possible to bypass this baning, though I have been thinking in use the previous suggestion, for example, if the AI admin finds a swearword well written or misspelled, for instance, a table subject mentioning the word "fuccking", when the real is "fucking". Well, the bot should detect it automatically, and ban to the table master, and stop spam and insults.

*And finally, a new feature: "Who moderators are online?" I think this would be very useful, because We could see who members are connected at the moment and if It's necesary, send a request, and then We could stop a little the problems, because the troublemakers would know that Are (Or not) Administrators connected right now, and I suggest that the keyboard command would be "shift+f4".

So, What think about these suggestions? I hope an answer from the moderators! Thank you very much!

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Последнее изменение Exink, 30.11.2014 16:49:26

19. Aminiel,

Hello miguel,

Your two last suggestions are bad good ideas.

Knowing if some admins are online is a bad good idea for a very simple reason: if no one is online, a troublemaker will behave badly without taking any risk, and if someone is online then he will eappear as an angel who did nothing. So, no, it's better if nobody knows if we are online or not.

Your other suggestions about words that would be automatically banned, it's good and bad. People will quickly find ways to work around the guard, and finally, it will turn up as a race between us, the admin, putting new words in our bad words dictionnary as we discover them, and the troublemakers, who will always find new possibilities to escape. That would be an endless race. It works only for a limited amount of time and for words that aren't so simple to find or invent, such as the eloquence crash words.

Your first proposition, however, is interesting. The problem is that it isn't so easy to come with an algorithm detecting such similarities. IN short, this is more or less a natural language problem, plus the fact that there are different languages in the playroom so it again complexifies the problem.

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Последнее изменение Aminiel, 30.11.2014 19:14:33

20. Exink,

Thanks for your reply, Aminiel. I think that with your search engine is enough for detecting these fakes. For example: If somebody wants to clone me own account, creating a new one called "Miguelpachecco", there are many letters in common. So, the system could detect it, as if someone wants to change his username and the system says for example, if this is "valid, in use or baned", or something so.

Think it well, since this is a big problem, at least in the spanish Playroom. The clones are always usurping the original accounts, and the originals has problems after with their friends, and I have been seen it recently.

C'mon, everybody can help to enhance this cute place.

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21. Aminiel,

Think it well, since this is a big problem, at least in the spanish Playroom. The clones are always usurping the original accounts, and the originals has
problems after with their friends, and I have been seen it recently.

Yes, I know. This is also the case sometimes in french. But it's not so simple to detect if two names are pronounced the same or allmost the same. The algorithms for that exist, but they are very different in french, spanish, italian, english, and will be for any other language.

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22. Exink,

I'd like see it in action, at least in a beta version, for a short time, for trying how does it will work.

Personally, I have helped some people that can't speak French or English to reporting cases like those, and once, I have seen with me own eye how innocent people are hurt.

I love this platform, and I give you thanks for have created her, as well for your quick and reasonable answers, but I have been looking for ways to help you, and also, some suggests to make stronger the safety, and more friendly staying here.

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23. aravis,

we're not here to criticize rsgames, although one of its faults is not only that it's slow, but also that the developers don't reach out to non-english speakers. there are lots and lots of players who even don't speak a word of english and play a game, say uno or poker because they know how to do it so well that it comes automatically, and what the developers do is they introduce word games in english, that's what all these apples to apples and cards against humanity are, which are not popular because non-english speakers just can't possibly play them. the developers should seek out those people who could translate the website and client into their languages, same as it was done here.

anyway, concerning profiles, perhaps there should be one for each user, but most certainly country, age and gendor shouldn't be exposed.

and i do think voice messages would slow down the server, i may be wrong though.

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24. Exink,

"anyway, concerning profiles, perhaps there should be one for each user, but most certainly country, age and gendor shouldn't be exposed."

Anyhow, the others can discriminate to a user knowing its age or contry. Remember that there are good persons, and also persons that are racists, and this sincerely, will cause more problems.

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Последнее изменение Exink, 09.12.2014 04:12:18

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