Why there is a friend before the status msg in the friend list?

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31. Rory101,

i think it could be that in future we are able to make a status message for our friends, and then also another one for everyone else, maybe?

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32. Lemonade,

No, dictators would lock you up instead. So don't even bother with playing that card.

Thing is, neither you nor anyone else is under the obligation to be here. The playroom is not a country where you are born and where you can't get out of unless you have money to buy a plane ticket to another place, or something. This would be more like saying you hate fireworks, extremely loud hardcore music, and people who get really drunk, but going to the same new years party every year where all of the above is happening every time, and then complaining about it every year. I think in that case, you would agree with me that the person in question should probably find something else to do for new years, no?

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33. Nikola,

Certanly hope it's not the case about statuses, that would be pretty pointless. However, the only useful thing coming to my mind is a feature we talked about before, selecting a group of friends as favorites, having them at the top of the list and choosing various other settings such as the ability to be notified only about your favorites leaving and entering the playroom.

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34. tiny,

yeah everyone. ms or mister analogy. i give you a master's degree on making wrong analogies. what about the bet that i made bout your last analogy? if you don't accept that bet which you didn't till now and kept to make other analogies instead, so this just means your making these wrong analogies but don't stay at your place of talking. we have dictators not just at countrys, but everywhere someone can behave like a dictator. if your father or mother didn't listen to you when you were child, they were potential dictators. we all know a company or program or everything else can be successful if they listen to the responds.

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35. Nikola,

As always, topic taken way out of proportion and with completely unnecessary arguments. When will this forum be a friendly place where people can constructively discuss changes to the platform? You can disagree with something, but there's no need to say things such as something is a waste of time and even more so when the feature in question is not completed. There's something called constructive critisism. I wont even comment the ridiculous comparisons to being dictators, that just shows how easy it is to write something on the Internet. We are on a gaming platform. Nobody prevents you from expressing your opinions. However, if the majority seems to disagree, that should tell you something. We are not saying you must leave, go away because your opinions are stupid. People have said if you don't like something you can leave, simply because if I did not like a game, a program, or I thought it's development is going the wrong way I'll try expressing this. If people disagree, I'll find an alternative app to use and wont waste my time constantly repeating my statements. Nobody banned you from here and told you you can never connect again so you can even think of calling people dictators. Besides, our opinions here don't represent the opinions of the developer, so I don't even know how that crossed your mind to begin with. People use strong terms without even realizing and understanding their meaning. This does not surprise me, administration of the audiogames forum received the same complaints.
Finally, happy 2020, and perhaps it's a good time to start a new year with some positivity instead of being negative about one word which was added to the platform?

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36. tiny,

@nikola well the majority including you don't disagree with me even everyone. this is just a word, if they add another word than the other word would be again another word, with this way of looking all bad changes can be skipped and then even no need to this forum. if they created this forum obviously they will listen and do somethings at least about some of them. as they did. your not only the one who knows the meaning of turms. so think a bit and see who misled the topic with his nonsense way of talking. i never said admins are dictators i just say there are some people here like dictators. it's interesting that some people like you first cause the topic to destroy first, and then come back and blame other people with misleading the topic! very good trick. i like to use this app and simply wrote my opinion about something bad that happened, like many others. but you went on to say why do you use this app when even you don't like this change. yeah i hope in this year you make some positive ways of looking to things and some good changes for yourself as well.

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37. Nikola,

It's quite simmple, they did not add a word. Nobody said hey, this is a new feature, we have added friend before each friend in the list. It's simply in preparation for a new feature. So how can you know if it is bad and if it is a waste of time? Right now it's neither good nor bad. I don't know of any bad changes that were introduced here without listening to the community. In fact, this latest update introduced quite a few nice new features. Once the feature is completed and we know it's purpose, there's noone preventing you to create a topic and explain why you think it's not useful and it should be removed.

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38. YNWA,

@everyone, your comment reminded me of a pub I went to with a couple of friends a long time ago. It was called the entertainer and it was as far from entertaining as you could possibly imagine. The music was some kind of rave track that never stopped playing while we were in there. 1 pint was more than enough.

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39. tiny,

@nikola and understanding my point of view is also simple, i think this feature won't be part of the next version. i said we will have a rollback. that's just what i think! and wanted to share with others. that's all

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40. Lemonade,

More than enough to suddenly make it entertaining? That is somewhat depressing.

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41. Sajad-Aliraqi,

A good way to boost up your post number at the top tiny

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42. Vojvoda ,

You guys are probably arguing with a 14 years old boy

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43. sopralto,

Yes, this feature is totally unnecessary, we already know these are our friends, in fact it is incredibly annoying.

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44. godfather,

group1: what are we gunna get with this stupid piece of cole? screw it! group2: be patient... please bbe patient... person1: no way! we are leaving! some time later: woooow! gold! we'll be rich! moral of the story: (*up to you) context?(also up to you guys) :).

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Последнее изменение godfather, 03.01.2020 09:26:13

45. tiny,

i don't know what are you talking about patient.. or whatever. what are these thing your saying if admin didn't create this room we couldn't have this room or so. come on. we're just talking about 1 useless change here. why you can't take such a simple thing? i just said this won't be a feature of the next updayted versian. because this is so unpopular. everyone said we will have something out of this and we will see what will happen. why are you getting so angry about someones comment! they created this forum for us to make our comments, so don't expect people to skip changes. it's not about patient i will wait years and years for seeing the result of this option. but came to say what i think of the future of this!

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46. Vojvoda ,

Tiny your english maybe a problem so I will try to explain it quite simple:
Nikola asked dewelopers why do we have friend before every friend name.
Developer replied that it's a preparation for a new incoming feature and we should be patient to see what will change.
I hope you understood now.

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Последнее изменение Vojvoda , 03.01.2020 12:42:42

47. The-Chaos,

the level of childishness demonstrated by some people in this topic, frankly astounds me to no end. why don't we wait and watch, instead of quibbling with each other like children, on a thing which is at this point in time of no significant importance but a groundwork laid down for a feature in the pipeline?

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48. tiny,

@vojvoda i understood it well. but i don't know why people here can't understand what i said. it's not that i can't wait, as i said i'll wait years and years too see what will happen. i just said what i thought about the future of this change. that was kind of a prediction

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49. Sajad-Aliraqi,

friend is just a word, does it take you 100 years to read your friend's status or see where they are at? I bet it doesn't. And we can't say if it is useless or not, even if it is useless it doesn't take away the experience if they take it off or let it be as it is. I think when we talk about something that is feature related we should keep in mind that we do not own this game, and we are not the developer. So we don't know what to expect in the near feature. Maybe they will add more features to the friend thingy, or take it away. And both would not be a loss. I am really surprised by the amount of replies to this redundant post. It's not worth putting up with it.
I get it , you can complain about certain things that you don't like and I am sure no one is against it. But the form you used to shape this post and your answers to it are just above average fidgety level and energy consuming.
I wish you tranquility next time!

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50. tiny,

does it take hundred years to read your status. this is just a word including a new feature. this won't effect your experience here... even if you make it clear that you don't mean to say nothing about changes, but these statements are just made to say, silently skip these changes. and right, it's above average because people misunderstood me or made such statements. i said this is just kind of a prediction that i made here. never said that i know as much as developers. cause i'm not a mindreader.

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Последнее изменение tiny, 07.01.2020 11:28:59

51. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@tiny the issue is that you don't get what people say even if they are supporting your argument. I sufficiently gave a comprehensive explination to this issue

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52. facelessghost,

Hello world!
I don't really understand why i'm on the list of friends to say someone's name, and then that this person is a friend!
But i also assume that the name will not be said if someone staying on the list of friends removes you from your friends.
i.e. for example it will work like this.
I'll take the nicks of the people who responded in this topic.
YNWA, online, friend.
for example, tiny.
Tiny, online, friend.
I think they tried to realize the possibility of checking that one or another player is a friend.
There are different situations, such as the YNWA blocked tiny.
until he went into the gameroom.
What's going to happen?
No problem!
man will not be all right.
or let's say that tiny has removed from friends OF YNWA. THEN, INWA's list of friends will still remain.
What did I bring the nicks to? I'm guessing this thing is possible in the future, it's going to look like this:
Tiny, online, friend.
if, for example, it is blocked by YNWA, it will be like this:
Tiny, locked.
if you generalize it simpler, I wanted to say that the word friend is just a preparation for some updates, and you don't have to worry if you need to, it will be removed!
These are my thoughts on this topic.
Attention! Please consider when reading:

  1. I do not want to offend the owners of the men, which I have given in my reasoning and if something seemed offensive to you, please forgive me!
  2. I just said that it might or may not be.
  3. I don't have accurate information on that.
    Thank you all and good mood!

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53. Sajad-Aliraqi,

This is really terrible what you guys say. The friend thingy appears to show you that the people in online player list are your friends. And if you do not have them this will not be shown up. So now what. I mean it is nothing more or less than a fine idea

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54. tiny,

no your totally wrong. read previous messages carefully to get it.

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55. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@tiny you are making a lot of noise.
You can't simply understand it. I am out of this terrible spot

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56. tiny,

be careful what your saying here. if you can't understand or don't want to understand by reading the messages carefully that's not my problem..

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Последнее изменение tiny, 17.01.2020 13:01:23

57. Nikola,

We're still discussing an incomplete feature?

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58. godfather,

ok ceriusly. lmao. guys, if you can't reach a dang conclusion or troose among yourselves, just disagree and agree or something. why do you need to clog the forom with 1 line arguement bs if there is nothing productive to add. clearly nothing is coming out of this arguement, so quit it already? just be patient and let's see what happens. what's the need of arguing when like i said, you guys can't agree.

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59. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@tiny Such a good strength when you see people have the same opinion as me and you still defend your failed argument. Does that mean all people before me didn't understand or read messages carefully? Because apparently, everyone opines the same thing except you that is

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60. tiny,

i answered to them and told them why they are wrong. but no time to repeat my answer again and even no need. what you argued is not the case of my criticism of this feature..

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Последнее изменение tiny, 20.01.2020 09:42:23

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