Albanian translation on the playroom is strange!

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1. afrim,

I was told today that playroom was finally translated in Albanian on the server. As we got a really not amazing experience on the forum translation, I am experiencing again almost the same feelings. Some words are just incomprehensive and not regularly ordered, and some other words does not even belong to Albanian language. Also, there are many mistakes which can be only made if you are less-educated, and not a standard/native Albanian speaker. For instance, when you press W in the Mainroom to know the list of actual connected players, it says:
5 persone sono attualmente nell’entrata dell Saloto: --- --- ---.
So far I know, this phrase is totally in Italian, and not in Albanian.
Moreover, the functions and more menu does not work.
I hardly appreciate the good soul of organizing such initiatives for helping all the people from Albania who do not speak any available language on the Playroom except the one who they speak in their daily lives, but, as a student, and as a native and standard Albanian speaker, and as an amature translator, I find some elementary mistakes which cannot be easily passed. Even a primary school student would notice those kinds of mistakes and effortlessly correct them.
So, if you have the time, please tell them to make a correction and possibly, let me know who is doing this translation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you in advance!

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Последнее изменение afrim, 16.09.2014 19:00:21

2. Aminiel,

It isn't supposed to be available yet, it isn't finished.

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3. afrim,

if it's not finished, why do you publish then?

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4. Aminiel,

It isn't supposed to be already there. It's a bug.

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5. afrim,


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