chess needs bot play

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1. gandalf22,

i don't know why you can't play chess or rummy with bots

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2. akilor,

Ramy can be played with bots. Chess on the other ha nds requires a very very powerful server and a really strong artificial intelligence to deal with all the tactical decisions. Therefor, chess currently is the only game you cannot play with any bot, and it will probably remain this way.

<c v>

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3. ryan97,

yeah agreed there, you have to either program all the AI or look online for one someone else has made

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4. siddharta,

Hi All.
Did you consider to install one of the free open source chess engine there are around the net?
I guess that, average of Playroom players do not need a very very strong chess engine like the Freeware Houdini 15A or Crafty 23.4. You may find some other C.E. which is weaker and that akes just few server's power.
That's just my proposal.

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5. Aminiel,

It doesn't really solve the problem.

When you play only one game against one of the free engines ou mention, the CPU use of the computer stays near 100% for at least a dozend of seconds, if not ever as the game progress. It takes so much CPU time that all other tasks are delayed, including other games, website, e-mail, and more critical system tasks. Having any significant delay isn't acceptable for anybody, is it ?

Now imagine that you don't have only one guy who want to play chess against a bot, but 5, 10, or 20 at the same time, no one ever knows how the playroom will grow. The CPU use is multiplied as much and the server is simply going to die. I'm pretty sure that no chess server at all allow playing with bots.

The solution is to make the client computer play. But it isn't so simple as it appears to be.

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6. siddharta,

Perfectly understood.

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