bug in Polls

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1. Borja ,

Hello! there is an error in the polls. It consists of not showing the percent of each option, nor the people who voted in each one, if this option is enabled. I hope they fix it fast. Greetings.

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2. Nikola,

if I understood you right, you are using the forum from the client?

If so it appears that a bug has been fixed rather.
It is normal that you can't see the votes if you check an option. You must first press vote on the poll at the bottom of the list. This will definitely save your vote, and after you do that, you should be able to see the results normally.
If you only check an option, you haven't really saved your vote until you perform this last step.

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3. Borja ,

No, this happens when I already did that, and I'm not the only one, the error is being reported a lot in the Spanish fórum.

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4. Nikola,

This is correct, ignore my previous comment.
I have tried voting on a new poll and this bug is definitely there.

счёт: +2

5. Aminiel,


It's not a bug, it's a feature !

From now on, you can only see results when the poll is closed or if you are the author.
I don't know if I'm going to leave it definitely like that, maybe you have a better idea to suggest.

Several people mentioned that you could kind of cheat with the previous behavior.
You could vote, see the results, and if you aren't happy and/or don't agree with the majority, just change or remove it right away, as many times as you like.
This looks a little stupid, but can really introduce a bias.

Another possibility to fix that problem was simply to disallow modifying your vote, but I don't like that for several reasons:

  • What if you just made a misstake, not choosing the option you really wanted ? It can happen to anyone, without any real intention to cheat
  • For tournaments and other events, it can be very useful to change your vote, for example if you registered and later realize that you finally won't be able to participate.

If you have a more interesting idea, please propose it!

счёт: +1

6. Nikola,

@Aminiel how about allowing someone to change their vote only once?
If you made a mistake, you finally have one more chance to fix it, or as you said for tournaments and changing your registrations.
Also In the case of tournaments, if for some reason you really need to change it yet again, I think you can always arrange it with organizers.

It's worth noting that from the website, in a single answer only poll, it was never possible to completely remove your vote, or at least I don't know how it is done. This was possible only from the client, and in multy answer polls.

счёт: +2

Последнее изменение Nikola, 13.01.2023 23:15:06

7. Borja ,

Hello. Good idea, but I guess this feature is optional right? I still do not meet the characteristics to create one, but I would like to be able to see the votes at all times, at least in mine.

счёт: +1

8. Markk,

I think it would not be difficult to add the possibility of configuring these values, as well as configuring multiple or anonymous answers.
On the other hand, it seems a little overthinking to me. On Twitter, for example, the votes can be seen after voting, and cannot be changed. And this works fine. Still, I like the idea of being able to configure it.
In a Spanish forum thread, for example, there is a poll that closes in the year 2037, created to express your state of mind at the moment, so this feature makes it completely meaningless.

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9. Borja ,

Yes, if this were an election it could be turned off for polls like the one @mark mentions, but it could be turned on for more serious polls.

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10. Aminiel,


The option has been added.

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11. Markk,

Thank you very much! it is awesome that our suggestions are taken into account :D

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12. Borja ,

First of all, I have to warn you that I don't speak English, and that this message was written by google translator, therefore it may sound strange for those who know the language.
My question was why can't I create polls. I have 8 months old account, a forum reputation of 1000+, and a social score of 100+, but still no power. If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it.

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13. Nikola,

are you trying to do it from the Windows/web client forum interface, or using the website?

In case you didn't know, it is not possible to create polls using the client, you have to use the website. When creating a forum topic, the button to create the poll should be right before the one to send the topic.

Of course, I don't know what are the exact requirements, but I think for your account it should be possible.

счёт: +1

14. Zaine,

Hello! Well... although I am not more than 6 months old as far as I know, I wanted to create a survey, and at a time when the platform presented errors giving approximately 53 years of age to a player I tried it. my reputation exceeds 100, both in games and in the forum if I'm not wrong. anyway, i explored all the buttons of the thread (created by me) clearly on the web. Even so, I did not see the option to create surveys, I think that it is not even possible for me in permanent messages.
It is probably simply because for some reason, that error did not affect the survey creation system, which indicated my actual time on the platform with this account. Anyway, although this thread is just to report a bug, I think the time required to create a poll should be lowered a bit. What is the point of necessarily having 6 months of account creation? I have had a previous account and I have added everything... maybe 1 year or more of seniority inside. Maybe if the time were lowered a bit, to... 2 months? it would be better for many of us who would like to create a major poll or test in some permanent thread or/message. all the best!

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15. Borja ,

For me, it's best to remove that feature, and allow anyone who can use the forum to also use all of its features. If someone wants to spam the forum by creating accounts, they will, with or without surveys. On the other hand, if someone with a 1 month account wants to create a sensible survey for whatever reason, they couldn't, being unfair and unnecessary I think.

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