Duck racing: Disallow escaping out of the rock-paper-scissors or elements duel (~LabelSolved~)

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1. Nikola,

like the title says, in the two mentioned duels, rock-paper-scissors and elements, it is possible to press escape. This will close the challenge completely and return you to the main game menu.

From here, it isn't very obvious, but you have to press F11 to restore the list and continue the game. It thus creates an impression that you are stuck.

Could this be disallowed and can this menu be permanent until the challenge is done just like the other ones?


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2. Aminiel,


Yes, this will be fixed in the next update. As a bonus, it will also fix another previous request to keep the selection in roulette after you have placed a bet.
Thank you.

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3. horse,

This bug also still exists in 6 takes as well when forced to select a sequence. You can press escape to exit that menu and use f11 to refocus it.

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Последнее изменение horse, 09.08.2024 17:47:00

4. blaise97,

this bug in takes can be actualy useful to look at your hand again and help to pick the right thing on the table, everyone know to press f11 to bring the menu back anyway, we are used to it so nothing should change in my opinion.

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5. Ryo-Bee,

Hi. As described by Blaise, this definitely should not change at 6 Takes. It's essential when picking.

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6. Nikola,

I think that in 6 takes, having access to your hand while you're in the picking menu is perfectly valid, if we imagine that we are playing the game in real, you'd still have your hand in front of you and could take a look. The only thing I would do here, if anything, is that if you escape the picking menu to look at your hand, enter on any card would open it back up, but I wouldn't bother with that either if there is a possibility it would cause some other regression.

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