Possibly some kind of bug in Duck racing

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1. vyle6357,

Strange behavior, but when I played duck racing, there were for about 6 challenges from Quiz party set of questions, and the right answer was the first answer for even 5 of them. Somehow I think it is not accidental... In quiz party games it doesn't happen so often...

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2. Nikola,

There is no doubt in my mind that in Duck racing quiz questions, the first answer is the right one 90 percent of the times. Not sure why it is so, but it's definitely something that happens.
Sometimes you may not reproduce this in games with just two players, but with 4 or more, it's almost a guarantee.

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3. Emerald,

It’s either first or third I found also. There’s only like a 2% chance its second or last

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4. YNWA,

This issue has popped up before when every answer was 1. Does this happen for Duck racing in other languages?

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