can't invite a friend

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1. whozitken,

Hi listers am friends with a keith21 here on the playroom but when I tried to PM them and when I tried to invite them am told I can't they only want friends. we are friends alrea why can't I invite him is he not my friend any more?

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2. SamuelR,

Perhaps he might have blocked you. therefore you get that message.

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3. whozitken,

what would a friend block me for then I wouldn't be his friend any more the site should show am blocked right I unfriended and refriended him I can't email him or private message him why would he block I didn't quit A game and did do anything abusive.

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4. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Does it show that he is online?
If he isn't online, messages can not be exchanged with the selected person.
You might try sending him a private message via the inbox feature.
If that doesn't work, try unfriending him and re-adding him.
If none of these options are feasible, he might have blocked you in which case, you could talk to him outside of the playroom and find out why he has done so.

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5. BlackCoffee,

My issue is slightly different. I have gotten a friend invitation but it won't allow me to accept it. I press enter on the option in the menu that says something like friend request or something along those lines, and nothing happens.

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