I've just saw some translation mistakes, when you are in the main menu and you want to turn off mode spectator, the message will be mode spectateur inactiv/activ. Also I think in the monopoly that's not kentuki and vermon avanue, maby my spelling isn't 100% correctly, but there are some mistakes...
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2. Aminiel,
Is that in english or spanish version?
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3. bmisch,
it's in english version
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4. Athlon,
In the english version of monopoly, there are many name mistakes like. Also the locations and colors of some properties have been fiddled around with: Kentuki avenue: This should be Kentucky Avenue Vermon avenue: This should be Vermont Avenue State Avenue: This should be States Avenue Marvin Garden: This should be Marvin Gardens Indiana and Kentucky Avenue have been switched in this version; Kentucky should be number 22, and Indiana number 24. The purples and pinks have switched places; the first 2 properties after start are usually purple while Saint Charles, States and Virginia are usually pink.
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5. Aminiel,
The monopoly corrections will be in the next release. Thank you !
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6. moongazer ,
the new game said beta in the title with an accent and that's the english version
also, I have sometime this summer I'd be willing to edit out all the spelling and grammar mistakes in the game client for you just give you the whole list and such. what do you think of that? do you mind?
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7. Aminiel,
also, I have sometime this summer I'd be willing to edit out all the spelling and grammar mistakes in the game client for you just give you the whole list and such. what do you think of that? do you mind?
That's a good idea. I just have no time at the moment to start something because of coming exams, but after that yes, of course I accept ! Could you send me a mail ? Thank you very much.