Minor Uno bug

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1. supanut2000,

Hi I'm not sure if this can be considered a bug but, I just noticed that, in Uno, some space seems to be missing, as illustrated by the following extract from the history:
Round #1. Violet duck shuffles the cards and deals 7 to each player.
Violet duck returns the first card of the pile and makes it visible on the table. It is ayellow 1.
It's Casper's turn.
Casper plays ayellow skip.
Strow duck's turn is skipped.
It's Superman's turn.
Superman plays ayellow 9.
It's Violet duck's turn.
Violet duck plays ayellow draw two.
As you can see, there is no space between "a" and the card that is being played.
P.S. I'm not sure if this is even exclusive to Uno, I'll maybe give other games a try. If anyone can confirm that this is not exclusive to Uno please comment.

счёт: +0

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