Bugs in web client from linux

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1. spaceship,

I have found a few bugs in the web client running orca with firefox and chromium-browser in linux mint.

  1. Ctrl page up and ctrl page down hotkeys don't work.
  2. ctrl space does not work, in fact it said "coppied" but when I pasted it on a table there was something which was on my clipboard earlier lol.
  3. The messages received are not anounced automatically.

счёт: +1

Последнее изменение spaceship, 02.12.2021 07:23:57

2. Snake_Eyes,

regarding your first bug, the hotkeys shift page up and down should work instead. This applies to all web browsers.
The third issue also relates to the web client in general. You need to go into the channels and views settings and set the speech priority of all items to high or critical.

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