Too many reconnections.

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1. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

Hello, why does the game produce this message whenever I try to reconnect after it crashes? Error dialog Trop de reconnexions / Too many reconnections
Veuillez patienter quelques instants avant de vous reconnecter / Please wait a while before reconnecting. This appears at the first attempt of reconnecting, not after many. It also deactivates auto-login after this message appears. Waiting to be allowed to reconnect and having to recheck the auto-login option results in a small delay. This small delay sometimes results in a person missing certain moments in a game or conversation.

счёт: +1

2. Aminiel,


This is just as it is written, the message appears when something went wrong with automatic reconnection.

It can occur in many situations:

  • Bad network
  • Auto-reconnect trying too many times
  • When launching several times the client at once
  • When connections are attempted from several devices at once

It is there to protect the server from some forms of flooding or malicious activities.

Just as it's written, you just need to wait a short while and then you can reconnect normally.

It shouldn't prevent you from connecting for more than 10-15 seconds, maybe 20 in the worst case. If it lasts more, then something bad is probably happening or you really have a problem on your side.

Note that, quite often, this occurs because several devices are competing to connect. to prevent that from happening, make especially sure that no web client is trying to reconnect in a loop in the background, it happens regularly with mobile phones even several hours after you thought you left the playroom.

счёт: +1

3. Caoimhe,

In my case something always goes wrong. My network seems to be fine and I am not trying to run the client several times or connect from several devices at once, but I keep getting this error. So if I keep getting it due to too many auto reconnect attempts, is there a way to turn it off? Because I think it will take less time if playroom just closes and I only have to open it again.

счёт: +1

4. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

Thank you for the response. I now understand why this feature is in place. Similar to TheGoldenSnitch, it happens after a single attempt. This is usually how it goes: The game crashes as a rsult of me accidentally holding a key for 2 seconds or my internet freezing for a second and sending too many commands at once. I relaunch the game and this message immediately appears. Is there a setting I missed that enables auto reconnections or is this how it's supposed to be?

счёт: +1

5. Naday,

Also, if I may add something to this thread, sometimes it happens that I'm in the middle of a game and when I play something really fast, playroom will try reconnecting me, then a second time, then I get the "too many reconnections" message, then I come back and find out it totally logged me out, thus it makes me quit the game I was playing. It is really frustrating since the game gets totally lost and there's not always the option to come back to it, since a bot doesn't always take my place. In addition, it probably affects the social score now that it got added.

счёт: +0

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