Graphic Audio and their music?

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1. Eithan,


Any of you listen to Graphic Audio books? Have you ever been interested in what soundtracks they use? I've managed to collect quite a good bunch of what they put, but I'm still curious if you guys have any ideas of some others you might have found along the way.

I don't mean the popular graphic audio music playlists on Spotify or YouTube Music, but the ones that not a lot of people have found yet. I'd love to start a discussion about this and hopefully pool our resources together.



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2. imprisonedindarkness,

I know it sounds dumb, but what's a graphic audio book? I know each word but not when they are put together. So why is it called 'graphic' if it's an audio book? Honest question, so don't laugh.

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3. Eithan,

No worries at all. Graphic Audio is a company that dramatizes books. Think of an audiobook, but instead of just a narrator, you've got a narrator, full cast actors, sound effects and design and music. They like to say Graphic Audio is a movie in your mind, and I quite agree. They do well (usually) on the books they dramatize.



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4. imprisonedindarkness,

Oh that's it. In our country we called it audio drama, like having a TV series but through audio, prevalent in radio station programs. That's why I didn't recognize it.
Are their products high quality? Like is the sound clear? Does their plot well-made? Do they have fantasy, like portal fantasy ones? I'm a fan of the genre, but I don't know if they presented it well.

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5. Eithan,

Their products are indeed high quality. They have pretty good sound libraries and evoke fantasy very well actually.

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6. imprisonedindarkness,

Agreed. I listened to some sample over the net. Admittedly, they are good. The only thing that made it not that perfect is about the narrator.
The narrator destroys the emersion. I'd rather they make the narrator part included to the point of view of the exact character. Hearing the narrator between the dialog of one character erases that feeling that I'm inside the mind of the character talking or experiencing the event in the book.
By the way, are they just presenting the events in the book exactly how it is written, E.G., reading the book verbatim? Or are they doing some editing to fit it in the style of a movie through audio presentation?
If they do the former, it is quite a waste since reading the book and imagining the book like a movie are very different things. If they do the latter, much better to incorporate the action and dialog of a character as one to avoid the emersion being disturbed. But of course, that's just my opinion.

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7. Eithan,

Apologies, it's been ages since I checked this topic. The narrators differ in their style, but if there's a book with a first person narration, then the narrator would be doing it from first person through the character's point of view, which is what you mean I think. As for the book, no, they read it with slight alterations to fit the dramatization.

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8. kalahami,

hi. Could you please tell me the music you've collected, like titles and where they are listed? also for which book graphic audio? thank you.

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9. godfather,

Man happy this topic came back to the top.
I'd be curious to know what music tracks you have managed to collect as well. Spicifically Brandon Sanderson's books E.g. Mistborn, warbreaker, stormlight, etc.

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10. glad,

there is an audio drama about gerny in the center of the earth and its clear. its on playbooks.

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11. Eithan,


Much of what I have is from Shockwave sound, from a lot of the Fantasy World albums and Massive Impact ones. However, they also use a lot of music from Dark Cues, and much of the music you hear there is actually only available through purchasing their albums. You would not find them on YouTube. I was pretty delighted to see the tracks that are so familiar that I could never find on music streaming services such as spotify or YT Music.
The most well-known tracks though if you want to look up some very familiar ones are Shoulders of Giants, Acta Sanctorum, the Lamb, Archangel, Touched by Heaven, Hold Fast, Hellwars, Morpheus Calls, among many others. The Old Tower is used a lot in Mistborn. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wish and we can talk about more of it if you are looking for the name of a specific track in a specific scene.


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