Hi, friends. As a blind woman with a mental illness, I have often sought out roleplaying games like muds as a creative way to explore a world beyond my home. However, the only mud client available for my android phone is Nexus, the app created by Iron Realms. I have had to hunt down text strewn around the output window, so I gave up. Besides, I hate hack and slash. If anyone can recommend a roleplay world with serious character development I would be grateful. I really enjoying exploring the dungeons and dragons rules on BARD, but I have yet to find an accessible android app capable of handling a d20. I would also like advice on letting my character be separate from me as well as well as enjoying the game while avoiding burnout.
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2. Emerald,
Most are online so you’d need a pc. As far as I know
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3. Eithan,
Greetings, fellow roleplayer.
D&D is a great outlet to explore the bounds of creativity, and I definitely recommend it 100%. It is very freeing. I have been both a DM and a player. As for rolling dice on your phone, try downloading an app called natural 20 lite. I hear it's accessible, though I usually play through Discord and discord bots to roll dice.
The effect you mention feeling between you and your character is a common phenomenon called Bleed: The Spillover Between Player and Character. Here is a great article to explain it and make proper use of it to help you mentally as well.
If you need help or want to find games to participate in, I will be glad to help. Simply send me a message, either directly when I'm online or in my inbox, and I will do my best to be of assistance.
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4. Mohammedradwan2003,
Is this a mud I can connect to and such? I'd be interested to try this out. I love this.
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5. GracefulSwan,
Iron Realms Entertainment has three muds open currently. I would not recommend them, however. They claim to be free in order to lure you in, but after you spend your starting lessons, the quickest way to get a refill is to use real world money to buy them from your chosen game. I assume they use this income to pay for equipment and expenses, so I support the goal in my heart. But my eventual goal is to find a satisfying work and get off social security, so funneling money into Iron Realms will not cut it. To make matters worse, the Mud connector has not been updated since July of last year, which leads me to the sad conclusion that games in this genre are dying. I entertained the idea of MUD admin for many years, CoffeeMud being my favorite codebase, but I do not have money to put toward hosting fees. I love roleplaying, and hope to find a fun world soon.
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6. glad,
4 dimentions sounds like a nice game but I cant connect through vip mud. but it sounds nice.
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Последнее изменение glad, 18.08.2024 12:53:36
7. BlueTardisz,
Hmm, let's see, the ones that have serious character development are a few space muds, like Star conquest. I am not sure of other game generes, though, so if someone has ideas, they can share them.
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8. GracefulSwan,
I played Star Conquest and Miriani before, and both are lacking for me. Star Conquest has a help file full of forbidden tropes, and your character profile may get turned down if you use one or more of them. I believe the hosts are stifling roleplay to what they can understand. As for Miriani, the policies require staying in character, but I have no immersion. Most people seem to race for license and combat points. I enjoy shopping and the kind of roleplay that does not involve being stunned for no reason.
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9. kezz,
Mudstats.com came back up recently which basically also lets you see how active muds are as well as well as you can be more specific when selecting a category so you can search by certain tv shows. Speaking of, how is the mud connector doing?
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10. Sentinel,
There are lots of local groups in pretty much every city and country which meet to roleplay. I have considered starting a light roleplay here under a free table, because we have everything we need here for something simple. As for character bleed, one thing that we must all remember is that we put ourselves into our character. If we don't, there's no point in roleplaying, because we can't learn anything from a character entirely alien to us. However, it can be extremely detrimental to put ourselves as the character. What I mean is that people often try self-insertion into the roleplay. That can be dangerous for mental health, because then the character isn't a figment. It's you.
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11. aims,
there's Prometheus, I've never really played it but I have friends who plays and they seems to enjoy it
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12. Mohammedradwan2003,
yeah, Prometheus is cool. and VH does encourage character development as well.
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Последнее изменение Mohammedradwan2003, 16.11.2024 12:44:22
Try the wale shadow of the crown, frequency missing and evidence 111. its kind of a role play.
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Последнее изменение glad, 24.11.2024 17:32:53
15. mohitarya,
hello people this is mohit and I am playing muds for last 8 years. you guise can try clok or cog its a midevel steampunk rpg it has combat, and very good crafting and the community is good there and for other muds you can try cosmicrage its an space theem mud and alteraeon is another if you guise want to know more and learn how to play these muds you can pm me and if you people want to do some roleplay you can also contact me on these muds. thank you M
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16. GracefulSwan,
I have loved muds for years, but none meet my standards. Lusternia, from Iron Realms, comes closest. But players with real world currency can buy artifacts and lessons from the web site, putting honest roleplayers like me in a lower position. In addition, the web site never mentioned that game advancement would be a headache for me. I keep coming back for more because Lusternia has the best backstory. But I have two problems. When it comes to roleplay in my local area, I might consider it. But I would have to arrange transportation. Secondly, I would prefer not to be alone with strangers, if they have bad intentions. Thirdly, I have no clue how to explain blindness to a dungeon master that uses maps and miniatures. For the reasons above, I might have to stay virtual, but I have no clue where to look. I love roleplay and exploration but hate combat. Tips please. I want to get into muds again, but there are no accessible clients for android. An old friend suggested finding groups on discord, but at my last check, the captcha had no audio option.
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17. mohitarya,
there is an accessibility cooki which helps us bypass the captcha and there is also a text option for solving the text captcha.
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18. GracefulSwan,
Yay. I would love tips on working with sighted dungeon masters.
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19. landrasphaelan,
Are either of you on the Knights of the Braille server? It's all about accessibility in tabletop RPGs such as D&D and others. Here;s an invite link: https://discord.gg/ZnEfGmBc The D&D Beyond app is pretty usable, and you can roll the dice by tapping on the modifier for whatever you're rolling. I know there is an app in development for character management on Android that is centered around accessibility; the team have had some tough times recently, but I hear they are getting ready to pick up speed on that again soon.
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20. GracefulSwan,
No, sadly. I have access to the Bad Mobile app on my phone, but potential patrons have to submit proof of blindness or similar need. I love world building, but my dice roller has a limit of 6d6, so I woud prefer story driven, since the phrasing of the death saving throw still has me puzzled. The basic game rules are a free download. My favorite parts are race and background. I would love to try a few games using the free table idea. Good wishes!
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21. GracefulSwan,
AI dungeon is just divine.
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22. glad,
where its available?
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23. GracefulSwan,
Knights of the braille games page.
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24. GracefulSwan,
Happy new year. I need to choose a game world.
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25. glad,
loved ai dungen. am only playing that and choice of games.
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26. GracefulSwan,
Okay, I am getting back into mudding slowly. Since Lusternia has a system to earn credits in game, I am starting there. The connection info is Lusternia.com port 23, and RP is required. Achaea is still selling credits, and I have no clue about Aetolia. Imperian and Starmourn are still open to players, but they no longer get updates. I am passionate about mudding and plan to keep at it. I have to take frequent breaks though, because mudding on a phone is a headache. But no in person roleplay. I nearly got hit by a truck driver heading toward my side of the car. If my driver is high, distracted or has false motives, I need to know before I get in, not after. I might try discord in the near future, I just bought another phone card.
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27. Thomas_White,
hey there. I tried lusternia, it's not bad at all. I Always try to look for muds that RP be required, or well, that the RP is constant. One of the muds that I recommend a lot is Cosmic Rage, here. https://cosmicrage.nathantech.net/ its community is good and RP is also constant, in addition to being extensive with things to do. On the other hand, some other muds you recommend?