1. wolfi,
hey people
how are you all? my greedings :)
so we created a group on facebook, skype, and zelo.
it's called love and friendship.
and the point of it is mixing the blind people with the sited people so they both can know about eachother more.
for the facebook group go from thsi link.
for skype group contact me or sajad or slavista
for the zelo group contact slavista or sajad.
and here you go the rules
hey guys there you go the rules
rule1: do not add someone without asking the admin, or otherways you and the person you added will be kicked.
rule2: do not send a lot of messages for spam only if everyone is talking or there is a debate.
rule3: do not send krash codes or otherways you'll be kicked.
rule4: the person you add after asking me or the other admins, and that person was rude, you and him will get kicked.
rule5: no different between race or religion and if anyone insults the other will get kicked
rule6: no spammers.
thank you all and we whish you a good luck :)
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