someone please explain the dice rolls features

8 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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1. spaceship,

well I understand that /rolls enables and disables it,
but how do you toss the coin?
I cannot understand /NdF and /Nc I mean I tryed those could not use them

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2. Artemis13 ,

You can get coins when you press nc. It means that firstly you press /, then a number from 1 to 9, then then c. After that, press enter...

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3. spaceship,

Thanks a lot for the explanation

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4. majoz,

It means that n is number and f are faces in dice case.

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5. spaceship,

Thank you

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6. Giovani ,

For explanation of dices:
Type /NdF

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7. Paddy_Irishman,

the point of it i think is so as people can create custom games. like those who requested pig on the platform that's easily playable with the feature

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8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

This feature is pointless really.
The annoying thing when you're having an important conversation, and the master enable these dice
Everything gets bored.

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8 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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