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1. YNWA,

Fortunately we have a total of 38 players enter the tournament so thank you all for putting your names down. We created 2 groups A and B as they represented 2 different timezones. We HAD a total of 19 players for both groups so we have drawn the 18 players into 3 differens matches containing 6 players each. The top 2 players from each game will qualify for the semi-final. If the numbers don't quite add up it means players have been added to one of the groups making 7 players not 6 as you will see below:



  1. Dran666
  2. Angelina-princess
  3. Phyllis
  4. unseenfyre
  5. Fawaz
  6. goredemon


  1. Teardrop
  2. Tauseef
  3. Marina7
  4. renatto
  5. Serbian
  6. johny

Match 3

  1. Badgirl
  2. Fariz
  3. sparklingangel
  4. MagicalKrrish
  5. cherry-blossom
  6. YNWA



  1. Andreiuta
  2. Furki
  3. Genty
  4. oana-tn
  5. Aurel
  6. laila.ali
  7. omidsalehi73


  1. lucky-cat
  2. Karoline
  3. Efsun
  4. Smoothy
  5. Dave
  6. Prabhu


  1. Alesia
  2. Adventure-time
  3. Vero
  4. Estrellavega
  5. Serdjoni
  6. Sunny

Please note that these groups are subject to change. players may withdraw from the competition and could be replaced. It is possible to expand some or all games to 7 depending on late enteries. It is possible that a lot of players could withdraw meaning we could have 2 groups instead of 3 and in that case 3 players will qualify for the next round. If we get 7 players for all games then the top 4 will qualify for the second round and we will get 2 matches containing 6 players each. If that happens then the top 3 from each group will qualify for the Semi-Final.

There have been some interesting groups and it is possible not to see them all unfold. We wish you all the best of luck and hope to meet you all at the tournament.


Adventure-time, Teardrop and YNWA

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Последнее изменение YNWA, 01.09.2016 12:51:51

2. musiclover,

can i replace

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3. Epic_Krrish,

hey good luck with the matches and all the best.

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4. YNWA,


On Saturday groups A and B will have a total of 3 games each. The games will be run consecutively on 3 different tables. Group A Matches will start just after 15:00 UK time and Group B matches will start at 19:00 UK time as stated when we sent out the original notice for the tournament. If you are unsure of times then contact one of the organisers for further help. Unlike other tournaments that we have ran so far there is just one fixed time as no other matches follow so it is not possible to wait too long for players that are late . Please give yourself time to get here in time taking into account slow computers or internet or other unknown issues and come turn up 10 or 15 minutes earlier to give you plenty of time if you need to reboot the computer or anything else.

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5. sopralto,

I need to withdraw from this, plans have come up. Thank you and good luck everyone.

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6. OrsoNero ,

I can't participate because I retourn to my home and it's tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry and good luck!

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7. YNWA,

Thanks for letting me know. If it is possible for you to play in the 19:00 UK time sapralto then write to me and I will talk to you about it.

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8. phyllis,

I am Phyllis and want to know how to find the correct game for my participation. If we have three games going, how do I know which one to enter?

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9. The-white-dove,

We will all gather at a public free table first. It will have a tytle so that all participants can understand it is about the Bouilla Baisse tournament and join. if for some reason you are unable to find us, you will be invited. All you need to do is to turn up on time and we will care about the rest.

Good luck to all participants and hope it will be an enjoyeble tournament for all of us!

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