NVDA + touch screen

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1. marie ,

Hello, just a little question for you. I recently bought a touch screen win10 PC and I've big difficulties to make the tablet running well.
Does someone would know how it's working? With NVDA or maybe Jaws?
I thank you a lot!

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2. Maldalain,

Well, the same predicament, I purchased one recently and the screen content seems to me cluttered up, maybe you need to google for Enhanced Touch Gestures for NVDA, that willl add some functionality, still no way you can leave the physical keyboard. Also the manual in both screen readers detail how to interact with the screen and they provide list of gestures. Narrator seems to me more solid performer as far as touch screen is concerned.

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3. Nikola,

Narrator is in general making a very very good progress, and it still has some way to go especially for us playroom users, but it might replace our screen readers soon if microsoft keeps this up. It still doesn't have any kind of API so unfortunatelly you need to use apps like playroom with sapi, but i hope that will be sorted one day. As for touch screens, yes, enhanced touch gestures had an update recently, and i recommend you check that to make your experience better.

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4. marie ,

Hello, ok thank you verry much but I already downlooaded the plugin. Do you know if it's possible to write or navigate just with the tablet?

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5. Nikola,

Well it is, did you check nvda user guide and sections for touch screens?

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6. marie ,

Yes but I'll check the english version cause i've checked another version

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