why is this happening on my manamon 2!

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1. Alan1003,

sorry, i know i have been making a lot of manamon topicks, but, "You lost 1117 gold." when on the electrick flore of the power plant.
it is really frustrating.

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2. Lemonade,

Probably means you died and went back to the hotel, no?

Are you making sure not to get hit by the the electricity?

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3. Alan1003,

i am, but i need to find those, girl's coins, ware do ig o i found 4.

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4. MuhammadHajjar,

For the gold loss, if you lost a battle you lose 15 persent of your total gold amount. For the girl's coins, I can guide you to all locations you find them at but first have you got the rope? Since without it you can't totally complete this quest.

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5. godfather,

Since they are still at the powerplant, i highly doubt they have gotten the rope, unless they are backtracking to get coins.

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

That makes sense. I also was about to suggest depositing their gold in the bank to avoid losing them in battles but thought they haven't got into the bank yet either, for they're trying to pass Vermechaw.

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7. Alan1003,

i do not have the rope

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8. MuhammadHajjar,

8 coins are required, you can get 7 out of them up to the point you're at currently. The last one's requiring you to have a rope so I rather suggest you postpone completing this quest until you get the rope.

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9. Alan1003,

k, but how do i kill the hiperform mondival in the plant with 2 flaim, and 1 sound type?

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10. godfather,

usually flame is affective on electric but this is a magic/sound type as well i believe, so you will just have to broot force your wya through the battle. he's not that hard to beet, so you shouldn't face much trouble.

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11. Alan1003,

ok, but, lol i always end up getting killed, haha!

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