Views and opinions regarding current situation of the playroom English forum

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31. Cristina ,

Oh, this post has already 30 comments in only one week made by 10 players.
It's not so bad, but it was mostly debated the issues about the tournaments as if on the english section of playroom we would have tournaments in almost every week like it uses to be on the french section of playroom when it's not holiday period.
Come on guys, one topic about how to organize a tournament like flamelle created on the french section of playroom, I think it would be enough.
although I am not sure if all those who want to organize a tournament would even read it.
In this case, I don't think any template or sample would help those who decide to organize a tournament just because they have their way of doing it due to their english knowledge and other reasons which hardly can be understood by some people.
I suggest to post only about how to create a tournament like it is on the french section of playroom and over.
Then if some players who will organise a tournament will not follow and they will come up with a topic containing vague info about the tournament they intend to organise, you can warn them asking to be more clear then even to close it.
Of course, only if they don't react in a positive way giving the necessary info for the players who would like to take part in the organised tournaments.

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32. Marina,

This what already happened in fact, if you read the original post I linked to the translation of that topic. it is sticked in the tournament forum.
However, I think that everyone agrees that a templet will do more bad than good, I have no problem if you write a good sample, then I can open for you the how to organize a tournament post and it can be added there, but any mean of trying to put it as a default thing or a form to fill out, will have rather bad concequences.
You yourself mentioned all the problems that were not at all relating to a post, so if a person cannot write a good post alone, then most likely they will fail in organizing the tournament.
Anyway, this topic was not really intended to discuss tournaments, I personally think most of them are not that bad organized, only very few and it was mostly related to not giving much information, or that there are no enough registrations.

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33. YNWA,

Agreed if there is not enough interest in the tournament it will die of death such as our French tarot post hence changing so quickly. Some people may have dyslexia, learning difficulties or an issue with writing English even though they may know it verbally and this can be the same for native and non native speakers in any language and that is why I suggested as an option.

If posts have a shortage of info then helpers could have contacted the author to find out more and if possible added to the post if that was the only issue. I am not surprised about the lack of info as we get that with Quiz Party too.

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Последнее изменение YNWA, 25.08.2020 11:31:18

34. Epic_Krrish,

I think tamplet won't help that much though provided the organiser is english user. If an organiser is willilling to organise a tournament then they should be able to put up a post which is clear enough and then the playroom users can decide to join if they find it suitabl to them. wines down to basic simple post.

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35. YNWA,

You will always have the same issues here I am sure even if we jump another 10 years. We have the same issues for Quiz Party where a number of the questions are little more than an idea where we have to fill in the rest of the missing info, that can be like a puzzle and can be draining. One tip I will give is if you edit your original post it will show you where you have made errors that you can correct.

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36. Marina,

I have pasted the first message here again, since I realize that from the windows client the original message will be hidden by default and people might miss it.

This topic has been now made sticky and moved to the tea room forums. It has also been closed since it has already served its purpose, but nonetheless the information in here are very useful and relevant when posting in the forums in general, and the tea room specifically, so please read it first. Thank you.
End of Edit

Dear playroom users,

We would like to address something here that keeps occurring on the English part of our forums in the last few months, and unfortunately has become more of a problem which needs to be resolved.
We would also like to hear constructive opinions from all of you, so feel free to contribute. Please stick to the end of this message, though.
For quite a while now, we have been observing that our forum is leading up to losing its actual purpose, and we think that the reason for this is because some of you are not using the forum the way it is meant to be used.
We are not only pointing at the "true or false" topic" here, and some of the very controversial comments in there. These comments can and will, in fact, be simply treated as abusing of the playroom rules, as has been already stated previously, and shall not be tolerated at all for the violent and provocative content, despite it not being meant seriously.
However, the topic is also a good example of what we are trying to say. Many of you are sending these and other comments as a result of being bored, having no valuable thing to say and not realizing or caring of the other readers. So to start with, in the previously mentioned topic, not a lot of people are willing to go through such messages like "the next person likes to eat human brains" several times a day, they are not considered funny, regardless of them abusing the rules once again. It is also worth mentioning here, that the challenging attitude of some people does not make them look cool, and we in fact can and will take action against you if such thing is repeated. answering with something controversial and obviously put in quote just to challenge the admins and moderators is not accepted, especially After explicitly pointing out that comments like these are not allowed.
But things do not stop here. Forum should serve as a kind of helping platform in the first place. It is not a place of short and spammy messages with vague or no content at all. This is rather what free tables are here for. Take this topic as an example: We are not implying that sense of humor is not appreciated here, but “Tearoom” probably should not be interpreted as free chat with no restrictions. We should mind the other people who use the forum in order to share their views, and who are possibly looking for some helpful information too. Which also brings us to another closely related example. Check out this topic: In the first post the author asks a question about Swamp. Without any mean to sound rude, the answer right after the question sounds as if the person did not care to read the full question and replied something well, just to reply something. The answer to that is actually unnecessarily spammy, and the reply that follows could be totally omitted. If I seek a solution for a game related issue, an answer like “don't know, it's not much of a game”, is definitely the last answer I want to hear at this point. This actually shows you that people do not read at all in some cases and do not check the dates carefully to know if the topic is even still alive, if you observe the tournaments forum, you will find many people signing up to past tournaments since weeks or even months.
Which brings us to our next point, tournaments. It is important to bear in mind that they are social events just like other ones, in spite of being organized virtually on a gaming platform. Therefore we should remain responsible towards the organizers, as well as the organizers shall respect our plans and take the challenge of organizing seriously. It is wrong to host a tournament without mentioning a format, date and time. It is wrong to sign in a tournament and then not to arrive without letting the organizers know in advance. When signing up, think of your real plans and whether you are capable of showing up at the given time or not. And lastly, the tournaments section on the forum is designed for playroom tournaments only, not for any other tournaments. To help you organize tournaments we have posted a helpful topic here, so go ahead and check it out.
These have been our views about the forum lately. We are now wondering if we should ignore such incidents for the freedom of speech, but on the other hand, what’s the fine line between freedom and responsibility? Should such spams and in some cases provocative comments be tolerated? Should old topics continue to be revived for no purpose or no useful answer just because the replier did not care to check the date or read the previous posts? What are exactly the actions we helpers can take? These are the questions we are struggling with, and with this post we aim to hear other people's opinions and suggestions about how the forum should look like and what actions should be taken to make it beneficial again as it once was.
Thank you for reading,
The English helpers.

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